By being a pyromaniac, I'm prone to certain... erm, liabilities. Mainly feeling extreme amounts of pain whenever I get my fingertips nicked by the fire.
So, I have been... for no apparent reason... clipping away the skin of my finger tips with a nail clipper. Results? Slightly sore fingertips which have either formed callouses or have had the nerves numbed or removed from its extremities. And I can mold my fingertip to take on.... interesting shapes. Yes.
Downside: I may be developing a taste for human--or at least my own--skin. It goes along with the whole former-nail-biting thing I used to do before braces put that to a halt. Couple that with Catholic teachings of eating the body of Christ every Sunday and I become a candidate to replace the pro/antagonist from Ambrosial Flesh.
But enough of morbidity. I'm sick and tired of perspective. It's not that I can do it, it's that I've been able to do it. Since second grade. And some people in my class don't even have a grasp of one-point perspective. So it's back to the basics we go!... blech.
This week is stress-hell! AP homework (which I never really finished) and the overwhelming amount of new kanji/grammar from Japanese is giving me a perpetual headache. Today I have an APC meeting wherein Holiday Market will be discussed. And since no one wants to take initiative (or the converse: they delight too much in speaking out) I'm gonna have to plan out more than I really want to. Should have established a committee for all of this shite. Grah.
This month's sketchbook has been done for the past couple of days. In that time, I've learned that Junior has a thing for watching Brit Spears when placed in front of the tv. At least he's stopped freaking sis out by constantly turning to face her.
And don't even get me started on my Trig homework issues.
Oh yeah... and singing that ungodly tenor section for choir. Patty seems to always pick songs where the tenor's high note is exactly on my vocal break. And that's why my pitch tends to get wavery on that song.
Yep, definite favorites in the choir.
I just keep on learning one disturbing thing after another about numerous people that I associate with. If this is a common trend throughout the entire week, I'll be forced to throw a wrench-shaped bomb into the proverbial rumor mill.
And I get to wear my gaudy red robes for my ill-rehearsed Psych skit today. Yay.
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