Yesterday got my spirits up a bit.

Two hours of rehearsal before mass started, and the tenor section is no where near wobbly on our part. But that's because half of us didn't show up for the last rehearsal. It sucks having bronchiatis (sp?).

Lee made quite a derogatory comment during rehearsal concerning the gay bar he'll be playing later that night, the new low his career has taken, and his trusty chastity belt. I was mad at the remark for a good five minutes before I decided to think nothing of it.

Then I imagined all the guys at the bar hitting on the cute, 20-something-but-really-he's-40-something pianist all throughout the night... and everything just got funnier.

Later that night (post-mass) the family went over to Texas Station where, lo and behold, Dean from Becker was there with his friends. He still looks the same.

(Finally) saw LOTR:The Two Towers. Good movie, but the third one will probably blow this one out of the water. And throughout the movie I had to stifle my laughter at every possible Frodo/Sam moment. Specifically near the end when Sam's giving his speech or when Frodo was tell him how he wouldn't have made it that far without him.

A hobbit and his boyfriend indeed.

Spent all of three hours working on a couple of masks today. I'm thinking of doing a Carnival theme for my fashion-contest entries.

It's too damn cold to be moving about.

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