
And I've been plagued with odd physical ailments this entire week. Namely (after the whole nose-bleed on the pillow thing): half of my head becoming numb during history (not asleep, just genuinely numb) and me waking up this morning with odd cuts on my left arm and (I think it's) blood underneath the fingernails of my right arm. I'll have to wear shirts with ample sleeves (just enough to cover the shoulder)...

Damn, right when it's getting hot.

So, my luck has been nailed down into the ground. Went with Emily, Athenas, and (current infatuation) Mike to see X2 at the theater nearby the school. I think I just said too many weird things that no one else caught, and I realized how picky the boy is. Seriously.

The movie was great though. There were some extremely great subtext (namely Bobby/Iceman's coming out scene) and then the ending will have all those Cyclops/Wolverine shippers happy.

Hugh Jackman is wonderful. And Wolverine killing all those guys in the mansion was great (since you never see death like that in the Saturday cartoon version), along with Iceman and his whole sexiness. Mmph.

Dammit... I hate falling for the bi-guys. Most of the ones that I know have relatively high standards. Yeah, I guess intellect is only a nice side-dish/condiment when it comes to dating anyone.

It's that moment of the year again. The time when I really don't feel all artistic or anything. That's rather bad, since I have a slide presentation this upcoming Thursday about my work thus far and about why I consider myself an artist. Uh oh.

I can tell it'll be one of those weekends. Okay, I give all of you consent to kidnap me and take me away from the house for (at least) the weekend.

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