Should I be like all the other Prom hopefuls and maintain a "water and soda crackers" diet till next saturday's dance? Naw.

I've been packing on the pounds since school started. Damned stress and increased hunger drive.

Ech... I think I burnt my tongue while eating some nice hot vegetables. Now I can't taste anything on the front-left side of my mouth. Bizarre.

Contrary to what everyone (including myself) says, I care. You'll see, I still care. I really do.

Have to get up at an ungodly hour tomorrow to get ready in time to sing at (oh irony of ironies) the Mother's Day Mass.

Drew Cassandra's and Nick's portraits onto the canvas today. Cassandra pulled her "magnum" look a la Zoolander and didn't even realize it. Nick just looks pissed (as my sister oh so eloquently observed).

Karen's picture isn't good enough, so I'll have to obtain another one. Adam's not getting his portrait done because I spend enough of my time staring at his face. Nikki's getting her's done.

Who needs rational thought when it's someone's personality you're trying to capture?

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