Today just seems like one of those days where you don't really want to do anything. And it's a weekend, so there's some validity to that sentiment.

I feel like changing my bedsheets. The floral pattern that grandma insists on isn't quite working for me.

I'm currently tripping between Fiona Apple and the Pansy Division.

I let a couple of people listen to the Pansy Division, and now I'm regarded as the lovable-perv. Great.

Had my slide presentation about my artwork yesterday... and I think I went for 20 minutes instead of 10. Crap. Then again, it was the same day of the AP test (which completely floored me) so my brain was practically mush.

Afterwards went to Karen's confirmation mass. Byzantine artwork in a Catholic Church? After her dad pointed that out to me, I couldn't get over the fact.

There were many boys there that were far too pretty to be catholic.

Gabo was there, as well as half of my father's side of the family residing in Vegas. He was getting confirmed too. I didn't know Karen knew him, and she didn't know that he's a cousin.

Then everyone went into Jon's car and we drove to Karen's, then to Justin's. Jon made the mistake of trying to fake-makeout with me, so I grabbed him and started nibbling on his cheek. Honestly, cheap cologne tastes disgusting. And stubble hurts.

Justin's dogs love attention, but Sam had a tendency to lick everyone's crotch.

Sir Floppy (Randy) was there playing on Justin's computer, being all Randy like again.

I need to get cracking on those portraits. Yep.

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