Chuck has interesting conversations at night...

starseiya: the only self-contained art is that which is not shared
JakobDerAsiater: That's like me saying, "Well, this tree could be a tree, but I think it's a pig."
starseiya: true
JakobDerAsiater: It is quite obviously a tree, end of discussion.
starseiya: but trees and pigs are not abstract concepts
starseiya: art is
JakobDerAsiater: But an abstract concept must deal with something concrete
JakobDerAsiater: Or else it's dealing with nothing
starseiya: all human communication is flawed
starseiya: humans communicate with symbols
starseiya: and cultures have differing symbols
starseiya: which, when crossing to other cultures, are often misinterpreted
starseiya: so unless an artist does not intend for people to see their work
starseiya: they will always cause that discussion of meaning
JakobDerAsiater: Every artist? Every piece?
starseiya: yes
JakobDerAsiater: Surely there are artists who have half a brain.
starseiya: there are
starseiya: you're talking to one of them

starseiya: the scary thing is, he's more persistant than you
starseiya: and unlike you, he's not very open to differing opinions when they attack his fundamental beliefs
mooseylou: i'm...persistent?
starseiya: in your way of debating your argument
starseiya: which isn't bad
starseiya: ... unless it comes to denying or confirming existence
starseiya: which humans have no right and all the right to do
mooseylou: existence of what?
starseiya: of existence
mooseylou: existence of existence?
starseiya: yep
starseiya: it goes into the tactile feel of the physical universe
starseiya: and then how humans can percieve such a state
starseiya: etc. etc.
starseiya: there's really no end to the argument
mooseylou: well its hard to argue that which is impossible to grasp with the human brain
starseiya: and I've been trying to explain that to him
starseiya: and thus judgement is moot
starseiya: well, judgement of a deep, philosophical nature anyways
mooseylou: yeah
starseiya: heh... and he calls himself an objectivist
starseiya: I liked him so much better before he read Ayn Rand
mooseylou: haha

starseiya: man... so many reasons to be sad and happy at the same time
HikariHerrsek: ?
starseiya: just a random thought
HikariHerrsek: pour quoi?
starseiya: like getting to wake up and scratch your stomach each time
starseiya: I think it's the (finally here!) stillness of the house at the moment
HikariHerrsek: no more grandmothers?
starseiya: everyone's well retired except for me and my hungry stomach
starseiya: but yeah, one of those moments where things seem so simple
starseiya: and it makes sense to be happy and/or sad about the simplest things in life
starseiya: like how lonely soda bottles become when they've been drunk out
starseiya: and how desperately some of them (Jones, specifically) want your attention because they're afraid of being alone
starseiya: and how happy pillows and bedsheets are that you sleep in them
starseiya: but then they get all Jewish-mother on your ass and ask you why you haven't settled down yet
starseiya: stuff like that
HikariHerrsek: o.O

Oh so many things I want to say, but I know that people read this. Sigh.

. . . . . posted:||2:05 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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