mike: is it weird that i'm downloading old Gap commercials?
chuck: is it the one with Orlando Bloom?
mike: no
chuck: then... that is odd
chuck: unless it's the one with Will Kemp
chuck: dancing around in denim
mike: ...nope
mike: it's the one with the singing models
chuck: I remember those
mike: some of the guys are hot. especially this one guy.
chuck: well, if that's the reason why... then it's perfectly normal
mike: okay, good
tyler: Fourth grade?
chuck: yep
chuck: been drawing naked men ever since
tyler: Hm... I didn't become interested till at least seventh...
chuck: damn
chuck: I was more like:: "doo ti doo... playing with blocks... hm, I like boys better than girls... oh! legos!... doo ti doo"
tyler: yeah, fourth grade, I didn't even like girls
tyler: waited till sixth for that
tyler: then seventh I was like "hm... she's hot... hm.... he looks like she... he's hot too..."
tyler: then eighth "...they're all hot... *licks lips*"
chuck: but... having serious conversations all the time ages us unnecessarily
tyler: agreed
chuck: and I'll be damned if I reach my midlife crisis before gradschool
chuck: hmm... all I need now are some eye drops and I'll be set tonight
tyler: my stomach just started getting in a fight with the rest of my body... meh... dumbass...
tyler: eye drops?
chuck: my eyes get dry if I have them working overtime
chuck: so half the time I'm blinking to keep them moisturized
tyler: ...
chuck: can't even open my eyes when my tear duct reserves have been depleted due to emo tendencies
tyler: so when did you become me, or was it me that became you?
chuck: ::blinks::
chuck: good question
chuck: I have the sudden urge to purr like a kitty
chuck: how're things in that cabin of yours?
marcy: oh...ok. got in trouble so ive been having to get on surruptitiously
chuck: fun
chuck: hope it wasn't anything too scandalous
marcy: no, it was my mom bein arbitrary and me pointing it out to her
chuck: aah
chuck: man, if I got in trouble for everytime I did that to my dad...
marcy: well, i DO get in trouble for every time i do that
chuck: ack, 'm sorry
And here’s one from the vaults:
chuck: but it had the 1950's equivalent to gratuitous nudity... gratuitous dance sequences
karen: "karen! Look! they're doing the charelston!" "Isn't it great honey?" which is why i'm in the foyer, on the computer
karen: o.O;;
chuck: ::sings:: charleston, charleston, made in south carolina
chuck: some dance, some prance, I'll say! there's nothing finer than the...
karen: the whole world is just a musical waiting to happen.
karen: i say that as if it's a bad thing. HA!
chuck: you don't know the truth behind that statement
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