At some point I'll have to synchronize my scheduel with Tyler's and Ethan's so I can actually get a hold of them online. The one time I've been able to get online in the past 24 hours (thanks to my Calculus, Government, and Lit/Comp. homework taking turns to beat me into the ground and then some) and neither are online. Shite. And... other people that I want to talk to should be online too.

Because they should. And it'd be fun talking to new people.

Claire needs sex. I'm begging anyone to PLEASE get her a man so she stops hitting on and/or attempting to molest me. It's not like the attention isn't flattering... but it gets scary. Very scary.

Does a sudden trip on old Incubus and Stone Temple Pilots songs mean that I'm in a mood again? Yep.

Everytime something like this happens, I pull out this playlist. It makes me happy.

Friday doesn't look like it's going to be a good day at all. All the people that I used to hang out with last year have either graduated or are in different lunches so I'm stuck walking around with people that I barely know. I'm going to have to get to know more people.

Got to embarass myself rightly in Japanese yesterday. Our new sensei has us doing the "bow before class and after class" thing, and since I was the smartest of the three Japanese IV kids in the class, I get to be class leader... Shite. Everytime I have to say "Kiritsu. Rei. Chaku seki." (trans: stand, bow, be seated) which I did fine in the beginning of class... but at the end I forgot which to say first so I had a mild panicing moment (since I was trying to impress sensei... which probably didn't go over too well) and said the wrong word ten times before people cared to correct me. Gahh...

Have to stop beating myself up about stupid things.

It'll be hard, but if I don't want to cave in before graduation I'll have to pull myself through.

Jesus, this year seems harder than Junior year by leaps, bounds, and transatlantic flights.

Karen and I have one class together... and except for the odd hallway encounter and morning meetings, that's the only time we get to see eachother. Hopefully class leveling means that we'll get lunches together during one of the days.

Lots of interesting conversations in Art today:

"Mmmh... But see, there's a difference: he and Tyler want to fuck eachother, but we don't."

Never going to get my latest crush to notice me... at least not yet anyways. Jeez, it's hard having to see him oogle other guys and girls, but at least I'm not particularly close to the guy.

On the other hand... I could be like him where his long-standing crush isn't in ANY of his classes (but he's in several of mine so ha!).

Pirate day yesterday for the entire Art department. Me being historian for Art Club... I got to take pictures. Much fun. I was a bit sad that I was the only new-age, music pirate (cut up an old Napster shirt) with a yellow mohawk strip on my head. Very Hackers like. All I needed was the laptop and I would've been set.

Quack. Medcalf has the coolest fishing hat wearing duck in her room. I took a picture with the digital camera. Should post it at some time.

Right, enough stalling and more homework-ing.

Sorry. Didn't have anything too profound to say. Maybe next time.

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