Sigh. End of the summer excursions... so fun.

Before heading off to the movie, I sang at church for two masses (four hours of sitting and standing... yeesh). We were actually pretty good this week; the sopranos weren't as meek as they usually are (probably thanks to DeeDee singing with) and the new tenor Sandy was able to keep up with all our harmony parts. Need to work on the blending bit since there're far too many diva singers in the choir.

Interesting thing to note: for both of the masses I busied myself on timing how long each priest would take -- the theme for this week was the sanctity of marriage, so it was pointless for me to pay attention (even if I had wanted to in the first place). Fr. Mark took only 6 minutes while the ever verbose Fr. Kevin clocked in at 19 minutes and 7 seconds.

Hey, at least I'm not balancing my checkbook during all of this.

Afterwards I was dropped off at the Village Square theatres since I was dragging Karen and Matt to CAMP, the 2:20pm show. Got there a good hour early so I called up Karen to see what's up and she decided to head over early since she was bored. A couple minutes later we met up with eachother and, sent on reconnaisance by sis, checked out the two nearby clothing stores. Both were hideously expensive and lacked a lot of inspiring designs... well, the Stashed store anyways. When we headed over to Musette we were helped by a major beep on the ol' gaydar (and I swear there were two other gay guys hanging out with their chick friends there at some point) and Karen got all happy when she bought this really kick-ass jacket with lil belt fasteners. I wanted to grab this really nice suit vest that was lined in red with red pinstripes... but that thing was easily $122. I had $35 on me. There were two other shirts that caught my attention: a shirt that said "Jesus Saves... Pawn & Loan" and a nice hoodie from the Irish Rugby League.

Headed to the box office to buy our tickets (still no sign of Matt) when I realized that the time on the board said 2:00pm for our movie. By this time, it was 2:15pm. Crap.

Eventually Matt came 'round (looked more and more emo everytime I see him) and we opted to go watch another movie before catching the later 4:40pm screening. What did we go see? Freaky Friday. While most Disney teen movies (specifically the ones made for the channel) have been crap in recent years... this was actually decent. There's something undeniably fun (yet creepy) about seeing Jamie Lee Curtis act like a teenager. Gotta love her talent. Karen and I oogled the "lost puppy" while Matt kept complaining that the story had been done to death... before succumbing to just enjoying the movie like the rest of us. Oh, and the scary Chinese Mom with the cursed fortune cookies... that's taking the asian mother's perogative to meddle in others' affairs a bit too far. And Oliver Wood at the very end of the movie.

Had a good half hour to kill so we headed to Pick Up Stix (I'll have to go check out that new Japanese restaurant when I have more time) where Matt bought food and the other two poor kids ate some of it... but I only jumped in to help because we were running a bit late and the line at the box office was long... despite the light sprinkling and dramatic light(ning) show in the clouds.

Went and saw CAMP, which is an insanely good movie. Well, if you detest musicals and/or drag queens you might not enjoy it AS much, but still. It made everyone happy... Specifically, Vlad (played by Daniel Letterle) made people very "happy." Having the soundtrack paid off since I was singing along to almost all the songs. Wonderful... there's not way for me to explain how amazing the movie was without going into full spoiler mode. Karen and I got a kick out of the similarities between the characters and our friends.

Afterwards everyone bummed a ride off of Matt (since he's the only one that can legally drive). On the drive to my house I got to hear all about the soap opera/primetime drama known as Forensics at ATech. Jesus Christ... I'm glad that there're only two art major guys in my class who enjoy the company of other men; we don't get much of that drama. Then again... there is an Adrienne and Emily and... eggstaff... in the class so it's not like it's any better...

Oh. Speaking of which, it's a school day today. Albeit much later today, but still.

Time to put that final touch on my oil pastel. And also time to put on the old Liz Phair CDs.

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