The more I think on it, the more I realize how pathetic I can get. No, don't think along that vein; that leads to all sorts of self-depreciation and badness and such... Alright! So, kismet sucks. This is referring back to my theory of the whole happiness-balance thing I have going...

Scratch that. Everyone's been acting out of character tonight. Maybe it isn't just me. There's Tyler who may FINALLY get some physical action in a hot tub (even if the dead bodies get in the way), Matt who actually calls one of his old friends without (much) previous prompting, Karen who wrote a very funny (and oddly cute) Harry Potter 3-panel comic, Brett who did stuff with a girl, Catherine shirking her duties to watch BET (BET! She doesn't even like 80% of the music/shows they have on that channel!), Randy acting gay with my red sunglasses, etc. At this point I'm ready to grab a tube top and sell myself on some random street corner... yeesh.

So, pretty boy is suffering while he confesses everything. And pretty soon he'll figure out he can never get him out of his head. Today I let far too many clues slip that I like Mike. Namely: mentioning something about what he ate during lunch (which was valid since he and Kimi stopped right infront of my table--literally right infront of me) and then something about his ass and... yeah. Grrr. He was suppose to be my ride to First Friday tonight, but then everyone else that was suppose to come with us in the same car cancelled at the last moment, so I had to opt against it since... Well, the two of us, alone, in a car together... Can you blame me for getting ideas?

Right, time to focus on the good.

Hampton is really loving my period's Lit. Comp. AP class, and so am I. We had a lot of fun dissecting the allegories (and inverse allegories) of the Lord of the Flies, even made Hampton do her happy dance when we broke out the biblical references and Freudian allusions. Score!

Also in that period, HAN and I started writing a story in round. It's basically religious satire where God is a bit of an air head and, after accidentally Falling himself, tries to pass himself off as a prophet. The story is actually quite funny... but damn, she still has the copy. I'll have to bother her for another one.

I'm being bothered by the administration to make an ass of myself infront of the entire school to do a skit about dresscode! Friggin' A. For some reason they think I'm part of Student Council... when really I was just a big-ass volunteer. Which I still am. Damn, I should've never volunteered in the first place.

Everyone likes my candles in art. I'm happy. Still need to work on it, but yeah. Today we had Killian (graduated last year) talk about his portfolio complete with the slides and the five quality pieces. Which was cool. Then afterschool, Michaels was hanging out with her boyfriend Chuck (still effing hot, even if he was wearing Nike everything) and then got tackled by at least six former students. It was entertaining.

Ah, funny HAN stressing over the SATs. Pretty soon she'll pull a Jessie from Saved by the Bell and get addicted to "caffiene pills." As much of a friend she is to me, I'd pay good money to see that.

Milan was at school yesterday. The boy is STILL hot. Yep yep.

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