Tyler: the main idea to our using a knife is keeping it out in front, and letting them try and come trough it
Tyler: through*
Tyler: anything they send your way, you cut at as many times as possible while getting out of the way
Chuck: very practical
Chuck: and yet... and odd turn of topic post-masturbation
Tyler: ohhhhhhh?
Tyler: so, how many kittens have you forced God to kill today?

Tyler: the grappling was grand... the guy's a pure idiot, and nice and light.
Tyler: why the shit did he keep hanging on to me? eventually I got pissed off and just stood up
Tyler: him hanging offa me
Tyler: I'm worried though... all this experience with people who suck... means I don't really get a chance to learn the intricacies of the things I'm taught
Chuck: yeah
Tyler: which means I'll end up sucking
Chuck: ... well, that's good to hear
Tyler: what is?
Tyler: OH GODS
Chuck: ^_^
Chuck: advantage: Chuck

And that is the two hour's traffic of our time.

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