Just let me watch Lan Yu and forget that I have major projects due in about six hours.
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Everything's changed this past year... not that last year had any less change, but people this year are changing so much.
"The world moves faster than the human mind."
I want junior year back. I want to be beautiful again. Half a year wasn't enough; I want to experience it again... more of it... be happier than I had ever been since I've grown to care about what other people think of me.
Even though I know it won't happen, I want life to not get harder; I want it to stay right where it is, just long enough so I can get a breath of fresh air.
I... think I might do what my uncle did. The only reason why he isn't completely burnt out right now (and he's an uber-smart guy) was his rather slow completion of his college education.
So, I--
I think I'm going to be sick.
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