You are BURNING:
You have a strong personality and a burning need to change your surroundings. You impact those around you in a big way, but you aslo scare the hell out of them sometimes.
What Self-Mutilation Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
This weekend is going to effing suck. I have to set-up/work at the APC shaved-ice booth and compete in a calligraphy competition that I'm not completely ready for. At least I don't have to go in for the AP Review session or the Relay for Life (although I want to so badly) (the latter, not the former).

Sewing trashbags is a bitch. I highly recommend it.
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Ah, dammit. Why the hell not.

Anyone want to go ballroom dancing in a great big rose garden in the sky?

One of the things I absolutely hate about Las Vegas (and practically all big cities) is the absence of visible starlight at night. At least in Arizona (large pollution cloud aside) the lights were spread out so more stars showed.

I love stars. And night breezes. And waltzes.

Warm whiskey burns one's throat more-so than cold whiskey. Never ever try it.

Painting a portrait of Bacchus for my "festival" sketchbook assignment. Erch.

I need severe eye drops. Working nights being the happy little tailor leaves one's eyes mightily dry.

. . . . . posted:||10:01 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Grandma broke out the chicken tonight and made insane amounts of food... not all were nice to the stomach. Which is why I didn't have any of it (yay). Three hours (and a rather hungry stomach) later, I came down and fixed myself a nice pasta/apple salad. Yeah... our fridge isn't really stocked with many gourmet items (mostly meat) so I had to improvise a bit.

I'm tired... but I have homework. Blech.

. . . . . posted:||10:49 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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That's it, I give up.

I was in the middle of sewing Karen's outfit for the fashion show last night, when I noticed that the sleeves were grossly misplaced.

I'll still finish the piece, but it won't be anywhere near as complete as I intended it to be.


Actual homework? What the hell is that?

Okay, shave first. Then, take a shower (possibly imbibe some Chivas Regal afterwards) and finish up that vest. The pants can wait.

Heh, let's see if it'll fit Jon, despite his pudge.

And in other news... filipino electroclash?! WTF?!

. . . . . posted:||12:08 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Behold the brave knight (tailor) as he confronted the massive dragon (fabric) upon his mighty, yet manages to malfunction frequenty, steed (sewing machine).

Yes ladies and gents, it's Fashion Show time.

Things this week have been mild (thankfully).

. . . . . posted:||2:27 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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"She forced herself into the gears of the churning world, and never looked back at the people that she had left behind."

. . . . . posted:||10:54 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Saw several rather interesting movies recently.

Thursday I saw Victor/Victoria which has Julie Andrews playing a woman who makes a living posing as a man impersonating a woman. Yes, ladies and (supposed) gents, the great Julie Andrews attempted to act like a drag queen. And the film was made in the early 80's too. Yeesh. Still, a very entertaining movie.

The second one I saw was today, and it's called Take Care of My Kitty. Basically a Circle-of-Friends variety movie made in Korea. There're these five girls who struggle to maintain their friendships from highschool to after college and such. Really spectacular cinematography, in an understated manner.

Today the parents scored tickets to see the Oprah show taping at Caesar's Palace. It's for the new Celine Dion show and some stuff 'bout her moving to Vegas to be more family-like. Apparently Celine Dion has cut her hair short, and both women had hair and make-up people so efficient that they would make the pit crew at a Nascar event proud.

Currently avoiding homework again. I need to stop doing this. Blargh.

Sis' getting into Evanescence. Their music is purty. And yes, I spelled it "purty" not "pretty." I defy yee grammar gods!

This past entire week I started out each morning acting energetic and borderline little-asian-boy-esque. Then it would steadily progress into wonton I-detest-this-world complete with rampant asian glares for everyone.

I don't think this past week has been good for anyone.

. . . . . posted:||7:28 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Quizzes abound.
Harmony and balance is key. You don't look at the world in a negative or positive way and you'll never judge or assume a situation - you just look at the facts. People like you are peaceful and accepting.
What color do you see the world in?
brought to you by Quizilla

You have a dominant kiss- you take charge and make sure your partner can feel it! Done artfully, it can be very satisfactory if he/she is into you playing the dominant role MEORW!
What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Unsure.You're unsure whether you really want to smile or not.You just curl your lips up at the corners a bit and let that get you through your day.You don't have all the answers,and you certainly don't feel like going out to look for them. Stop being so indecisive.
What Kind of Smile are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

"Z is for Zillah who drank too much gin."
You will drink too much gin. Not the worst way to die, but you won't remember too much of your life. Hey, at least you made some people laugh!
What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?
brought to you by Quizilla

. . . . . posted:||12:49 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Is anyone else a bit disturbed that a majority of the really skinny (and vain) guys at school all have at least two eating disorders? I can name two off the top of my head who've been prone to throwing up after every breath and another who has constant, voluntary, diarhea.

Oh, witness how far humanity has progressed. I could shoot myself, but I think dad moved the gun to uncle's place. So much for not being misanthropic.

I need sleep. You cannot imagine how much sleep I need.

But I have homework to do. Dammit.

. . . . . posted:||9:33 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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"The Last Song"

This may be the last thing that i write for long
Can you hear me smiling when i sing this song,
for you and only you

As I leave will you be someone to say good-bye
As I leave will you be someone to wipe your eye
My foot is out the door, and you can't stop me now

You wanted the best, it wasn't me, will you give it back
Now i'll take the lead, when there's no more room to make it grow
I'll see you again, you'll pretend you're naive, is this what you want
Is this what you need, how you end up let me know.

As I go, remember all the simple things you know,
My mind is just a crutch and I still hope, that you will miss me when
I'm gone
This is the last song

The hearts start breaking as the year is gone
The dream's beginning and the time rolls on
It seems so surreal, now I sing it.
Somehow I knew that I would be this way,
Somehow I knew that I would slowly fade.
Now i'm gone, just try and stop me now.

And will you need me now, you'll find a way somehow
You want it too, I want it too.
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All-American Rejects rules my stereo!

. . . . . posted:||2:54 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ewan McGregor on OUT magazine.




Margaret Cho on Planetout.com!

She rocks so much!

. . . . . posted:||2:36 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Ack, shoot me. I'm reverting quickly into my fascination with glam rock.

Namely me playing my electric guitar to several Placebo songs and Velvet Goldmine songs.

If you could be my punk rock BDSM master!

Ate too much for lunch and ended up sleeping for about twelve hours. Now my heart's having loads of fun.

Screw homework, I think I'll just paint.

Oh, accidently sliced my bicep with the new exacto blade sis and I bought for cuting up frisket film. Didn't even feel the cut until someone commented on it.

You've gotta love sharp blades... naw.

Like I said, gimme my paints any day of the week instead.

But I'm rambling now.

. . . . . posted:||5:02 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hmm... I guess I should elaborate on the current situation with the school district.

At the moment (thanks to a wonderful bill preventing public schools from accumulating debt) the CCSD has to cut about $125 million from the budget within the next two years. It's not that they have the $125 million to spend... just that the money is technically none-existant.

And this problem has been progressing for quite some time. Just this past summer organized sports for middle schools was more or less written off.

Now it's happening to the highschools.

The CCSD is staging several conferences where members of the community come in and voice their opinions about what should be done. That's all fine and dandy... if only Vegas had a lower asshole population.

During the last conference, a parent spoke out against all music and arts because it didn't belong in public education. (Naturally, said parent was all for keeping the sports program running)


What really scares me is what's on the ballot: one of the options is to cut funding and remove all art from every school. In otherwords, LVA will be gone.

This is the issue which is currently racking my mind. Moreso than the upcoming major tests... or the ACT test I forgot to register for. Shit, I just remembered that one.

Things are looking peachy-keen, gov'na.

. . . . . posted:||4:40 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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My head is two seconds away from exploding (thank you caffiene-soaked coffee).

The entire school (or at least my art class) is raging against the dying of the arts program in the school district. Although our high academics protects us for some time, the magnet schools of the city will be the first ones to go if the budget gets cut.

So, the Fallen Hand Organization will be mobilizing against the destruction of LVA social harmony.

But, if all things go down the shite-er and I end up going to my home highschool, I will end up demolishing the campus or myself.

This issue will not be ignored.

Oh, and fuck you Bush.

. . . . . posted:||9:50 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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While searching for sociological theories of prejudice within the movie Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?, I found this intriguing abstract.

Guess Who¹s Coming To Dinner Now: A Further Look At Race and the Heterosexual/Homosexual Mating Marketplaces.

I can't wait for the actual paper to be published.

. . . . . posted:||9:30 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bite your lip and tell me that everything is going to be okay.

. . . . . posted:||9:11 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Just a couple notes about this past weekend:

The RISD scholarship forms came today. All I have to do now is write and essay, get Michaels to write a letter of recommendation for me, and find info about dad's paycheck.

Saturday I helped out with the second day of auditions for next year's class. Everyone accused me of going off on a power trip (I was the one giving instructions for the process) but at least I didn't weild the yardstick with the big paper slap-hand on it.

Today was spent doing stuff I shouldn't be doing... namely: sleeping. Wasted today completely and I feel terrible 'bout it. Yep, hardly got my work done. Dammit.

There's an article about Matt Gubler (the guy who came to visit LVA and made the theatre and art majors jelly-kneed) in the Living section of the RJ.

Went to Borders with a list for all those March birthday presents I have to get. Walked out sans $80. But at least I got the Chicago CD (finally)!
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Don't mind me at the moment. I'm mulling over the implications of the Rope Ritual.

Never heard of it? It's similar to quartering: the Rope Maiden (a girl raised to become a sacrifice) has bother her arms, legs, and her neck bound with rope and is stretched until she dies (usually by strangulation, but having her head severed is another possibility as well). Then the rope, now strengthened with her spiritual power, is used to bind whatever needs to be bound.

Extremely gruesome and morbidly fascinating.

Yes, this is why I don't have as many friends as I might.

. . . . . posted:||11:30 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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