Yeah, so I haven't been writing much in either this blog or my LJ...

Blame school. I come home uber-tired (around 6pm... 4 hours after school gets out thanks to all the afterschool-ness) and crash until 4am where I scramble to get my stuff done.

Yeah, I know I'm sick... but if you think that's bad, I went to school yesterday when the students didn't have to attend. So I can work on stuff. Shoot me?

So, for Poser-Demon Day, I'm heading over to Mathieu's lil bash with sis and Mike. Possibly Karen if she feels so inclined to give up an hour or two of Star Wars time. Yep yep.

It could be fun.

I need to buy a coffee maker so I can have more of that loverly Jack Daniels coffee. Who the hell knew they made java?

Two days ago, the big cloud of smoke from the California fires came to Las Vegas. The sun was orange (as in dawn-style orange) for the entire day. Visibility was at about 50%. The moon that night was RED. Now, if the moon had been full, not the stupid 1/8 that it was, that would've been perfect.

And yes, people with asthema were dying from the ash in the air. I was loving the smell of the smoke.

Grandma has gone to the motherland, so I now have practically free reign of the kitchen. Oh yeah!

Boys boys boys should let me take a pic of them because they SHOULD be flattered that I think they're cute. Honestly.

Got the new Rufus Wainwright CD. Sex on a stick. Left my jazz CD in Medcalf's room. Not so much sex, but plenty of frustration.

Right, time to get some work done so I can party hard tonight. Later.

. . . . . posted:||10:13 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Daylight savings time is a (procrastinator's) lifesaver.

I was making paper all night long, so much of my homework (read: all of my homework) was left untouched. And I have to read Hamlet too...

But instead, I'm at the computer, tearing up pulp for another paper-making session while watching the ever great Lea Salonga singing on ASAP. I swear, she's gonna be like Bernadette Peters; she'll look just as young as 60 as she does at 35.

Maybe it's an asian thing.

. . . . . posted:||12:22 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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This has been a...

holyshitewhydoIevenfuckingbothertodoanything, blowupafuckingblenderRIGHTwhenmydaywasgettinggood, helpoutatadancethingthatIdon'treallyhaveto, attempttoenjoysaiddancethatwasabitluckluster, HANshouldsonotbethatprettyitmakesmejealouslikefuck, motherfuckinghellI'mturningintohimwithalltheflirting

...past few days.


. . . . . posted:||7:42 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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"It flam-fla-flames, on the side of my face, and I--"

. . . . . posted:||6:43 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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And just because he wants me to...

Pretty boy from Massachusetts (Ataan) has a nice ass.

Oooo yes.

. . . . . posted:||10:10 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
It seems like half my friends had a great day, and the other half had a shite day.

What did I have? Half and half. Yes, I had a coffee creamer day.

(ooo... I actually like the sound of that. I'll have to use that phrase again.)

Woke up with ten minutes to get ready. In otherwords, no time to shower. Luckily, I took one the night before so it wasn't too horrendous... but there's nothing like waking up to scalding hot water in the morning.

The morning started off like shite. Hauled ass to Japanese with little to no time to breathe, and guess what? Surprise kanji quiz! Damned Lee sensei's girlfriend dumping him during 7th period two weeks ago... The quiz was surprisingly easy though. Still, I was cursing left and right in nihongo (mainly saying shit over and over again) while I was studying. Hooplah. At least I'm getting extra credit for teaching the class when I do.

(tangent no. 3203: they're playing a documentary on the underground music scene on Sundance, and Fischerspooner is now rocking the audio and the video. Oh yeah.)

Then to English with a really good discussion on 1984. Sure, I had to BS my study-cards, but at least I got through the class. The work is starting to get piled on thickly... I have a prewrite for a persuasive essay due next class. At least I have a topic in my head already: comparing Oceania's use of war propaganda to the Bush administration's "War on Terrorism." This assignment is so mine.

Thanks to the PSATs, that period was super-extended so the "asian triumvirate" headed down to Medcalf where HAN fed me wheat chips and I filled out those senior superlatives superquick.

Off to lunch where Em, Mike, Nikki, and I ended up in a five-minute conversation about New York and RENT... while standing infront of the cafeteria enterance. That was great fun though... even if I had Claire chomping on my arm for an entire minute like white on rice... which is completely true when you think about it, and if you know the both of us. Follow that with another discussion/argument with Nikki over the existence of fake crab (made of tofu... and yes, it DOES exist) since she hates this branch of restaurants for having crab in their cheese wontons. Yeah, she's vegan.

In commercial design, I kicked mucho ass by getting through all five lessons in a short amount of time. With a few minutes to spare to go back to the art room... and watch people play spaz again.

In art we took mucho notes which once again proves that asians kick ass. Michaels: "So the first people to ever develop a paper making method were... guess who? THE ASIANS!" Yes, my art teacher is such a rice queen. Following the notes, we went off to our paper-making ways with sis and I cutting up the fabric that we'll be soaking in bleachwater for two frickin' weeks. Yeesh. At least it won't end up looking like someone had their period all over the felt like Nikki's... hopefully.

HAN had her hair in two high pony-tails and Mike was having a hard time taking a pic of her. So what did I do? Grabbed her 'round her neck and forced her head up while he went ::click::. The photo looked like I was sprouting a head from my chest.

Afterschool. Now THATwas hilarious. Bought a pumpkin from the teach for the big ol' carving contest (to be judged on Thursday) and everything got nice and messy. I had loads of fun with the steak knives carving into my General Electric gourd (read: carved out a light bulb). Everyone's is no where near as extensive as last year's was (Aki and her crazy dragon design), but we had fun shit-talking eachother. Hell, I still smell like pumpkins.

Mid-carving, we had a pumpkin pie eating contest. The contestants being: a member of the gay mafia, a member of the jewish mafia, a member of the gay asian mafia (me), and two non-mafia people. No hands eating... soo damn easy. Told you Nikki, I could down that thing in half a minute. And I did. And I won. Had to lick the paper to be completely done, but hey. Unfortunately, the video camera didn't start recording, so it won't be in the senior video. Fortunately (well, depends on whether you want to see me with pie all over my face) we have plenty of pictures. Yes.

Then there was the marker war between Kells, Mike, and Amanda. Ah, battle wounds in brown prisma. Effing hilarious. Nevermind that there was a lot of pumpkin guts on the floor at the end of it.

Patterson has unexpectedly become the Calixtos' chauffeur... but not really. Tis cool though; we shall repay him at some point with... something. Kick-ass birthday/xmas present? Sure, why not.

Right, time to bother people online.

. . . . . posted:||10:08 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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... blame Tyler.

. . . . . posted:||5:10 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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. . . . . posted:||4:31 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Dogmannit, fate is fucking me over sideways again.

Didn't get to go to the Ren. Faire this weekend, but I wasn't too let down by that. Got some much needed homework time (::coughemogame2cough::) and stuff.

Missed a call from Tyler.

Didn't get to tell Jim that I wouldn't be at the 'fest until after he got back home.

Sis monopolized the computer up until now... which I should be happy about.

Except that she's working on this video for the upcoming assembly, and I have the sinking feeling that she'll have to redo 10 hours work (only produced 4 minutes of final footage... told her to use our Adobe Premiere, but noooo. stupid Studio DV.) and I've been frantically trying to allocate computer resources (it's at a measley 35% capacity right now) before she has a nervous breakdown three hours before we're suppose to sing.

Major eep.

"And then there are those other things, which for several reasons we won't mention..."

. . . . . posted:||2:12 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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So, talking on the phone with people and discussing flaming monkey poo, smoking "cher" through a cragg, counter tenors, flamethrowers, and punting babies...

Meeting new people is fun!

. . . . . posted:||8:24 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I am, by no means, a talented writer.

A good writer? Perhaps. That's what my english teacher tells me.

But, you can still be a good writer and have little to no talent... you just have to work your ass off that much more.

A painful realization which I'm having right now, at 3:00am, working on my essay due today. Shite.

And it so doesn't help that the 'rents just bought Down With Love and I've been watching that (and sleeping, again... dammit!) instead of touching my paper.

Karen, we're definitely fasting for Ramadan this year.

. . . . . posted:||2:56 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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After a discussion with Crystal (aka. fairy Merryweather from Sleeping Beauty) we've come to this conclusion:

Traditionally, the symbols for envy (one of the seven deadly sins) are frogs and the color green. Kermit the frog is both frog and green.

Ere go, Kermit the frog is one of the seven deadly sins.

. . . . . posted:||5:51 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Tyler: the main idea to our using a knife is keeping it out in front, and letting them try and come trough it
Tyler: through*
Tyler: anything they send your way, you cut at as many times as possible while getting out of the way
Chuck: very practical
Chuck: and yet... and odd turn of topic post-masturbation
Tyler: ohhhhhhh?
Tyler: so, how many kittens have you forced God to kill today?

Tyler: the grappling was grand... the guy's a pure idiot, and nice and light.
Tyler: why the shit did he keep hanging on to me? eventually I got pissed off and just stood up
Tyler: him hanging offa me
Tyler: I'm worried though... all this experience with people who suck... means I don't really get a chance to learn the intricacies of the things I'm taught
Chuck: yeah
Tyler: which means I'll end up sucking
Chuck: ... well, that's good to hear
Tyler: what is?
Tyler: OH GODS
Chuck: ^_^
Chuck: advantage: Chuck

And that is the two hour's traffic of our time.

. . . . . posted:||11:13 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Watching pandas at midnight with you... wow.

That was far more enjoyable than it's supposed to be.

. . . . . posted:||3:42 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Well, since cool person #122324 has decided to do stuff for it, why not.

Who else wants to join me in some "Protection of Marriage Week" bashing?

::goes off to make some "One-Term President" t-shirts::

. . . . . posted:||11:17 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Instead of actual art stuff that I should be doing, this is what I've been doing all day long.

. . . . . posted:||1:23 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Maybe its crazy when you let it begin
It's all you ever want, all you want to start

Tonight I remain hopeful that things will work out for Friday.

And then they tire you, you want to throw it away
Still everything I bleed, bleed because it's
All of me, and I believe it still,

So far, it looks like the First Friday thing is nixed (unless people just wanna come with and we can hang out and be idiots). I'm thinking Pop Concert on Saturday and then pool/billiards at Jillians (with possible movie/dinner along Fremont afterwards). Let's act like naive tourists!

It was written in a letter to me.
And bleed to sign my name and then
I'll send it in a letter, send it in a letter to me.

Now to go call people about the change of plans... Yargh.

. . . . .

Hey. You know what?

"I can't tell you how I feel... but I can play it for you."

. . . . . posted:||10:44 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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