Well, the movie fest for tonight has been arranged. Sometime to pass the time as I keep mi hermana company till she finishes her biology sheet. The roster for tonight:
- Trick (again)
- Ferngully: The Last Rainforest (her choice, not mine)
- The Big Hit (great pre-Matrix movie that's been highly underappreciated)
- The Talented Mr. Ripley
- Goodwill Hunting
- Saving Private Ryan
- Much Ado About Nothing.
So far we've watched up to The Big Hit, and Jude Law is in the bathtub right now... damn I love that scene. I love that movie. Which reminds me, I have to get the following movies:
- Get Real
- But I'm a Cheerleader
- The Cell
- Ten Things I Hate About You
- Hackers
- SLC Punk
- Girl, Interrupted
Probably need more, but I can't think of any lately.

. . . . . posted:||11:58 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Checklist of why I'm a hopeless romantic:
- keep old love letters perfumed and in a laquer box
- all my mix cd's consist of heartache/break songs
- I write poems in a leather bound book with a caligraphy pen by candle light
- all sexual/romantic frustrations are apparent if one looks at my sketchbook
- roses are kept in a tin box
- petals are often strewn on my bed just for no reason
- I fantasize almost exclusively in romantic situations
- wrote my high expectations of boyfriends on paper once (burned it later)
- jazz/blues/bossanova/ general makeout music is constantly playing on my stereo
- I have a preference to romantic books (usually homo-loving, and never campy romance novels)

... I want to live the life of decadence back in the 1900's.

. . . . . posted:||4:48 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
It's nice to know that someone else out there (Boy-ashamed) is suffering from the finals rush.

I did horrible in my geometry finals. I forgot several important formulas, and all the extra information put there to set us off worked double on me. In the end I left 4 answers blank, 5 answers uncertain, 10 answers guessed... not that good of a job on a 100 question test.

That was a really bad way to start out the day. Because of my foundations having been shaken, I was uneasy for the rest of the day. I strived to be perfect the rest of the day.

It didn't help that when I tried practicing on the piano my piece (Joplin's Maple Leaf Rag) I became increasingly frustrated with each rhythm I got wrong. Even my improve piece, which was going quite well, has been shot to perverbial hell. Damn.

I can't seem to get out of this slump. And I hate myself for that. Damn.

. . . . . posted:||4:12 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Re-watching all my j-pop videos.

Let me first express my utter love for Utada Hikaru. My god, what a voice... Powerfully projected, yet her afflictions are constaintly oscillating from soft to hard, belting to a whisper, a scream to a caress... I've fallen in love with her voice.

Which really fits my personality. Whenever I become smitten with someone, I first manage to obsess and fixate something about them; eyes, hands, voice, personality, etc. All I see is that one glimmering trait, and I am able to ignore all the flaws. Thing is, when I do I completely forget the fact that we're more or less incompatible. It's happened before, and at incredible potency at that.

I hate being a romantic in this age of cynicism; we have to constantly dodge sledgehammers wanting to break a tender heart.

... I need to stop becoming so immersed in the gay culture. I'm losing my perspective on other things in life... and I am affeared that I might disillusion myself. Self-management is a bitch.

. . . . . posted:||11:26 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hmm... I find it ironic that the only buddy I chat with who thinks I'm 100% straight (ha) just came out to me. Well, congrats to her.

. . . . . posted:||8:11 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Early morning, I got Mona Lisa by my side.... naw, but damn Moffats are nice.

Today was weird.

First class (ceramics) we had an extended period because seniors were taking finals. So, I decided to finish glazing my teapot; came out rather nice except for the nasty hole where the spout met the pot. Had to cover that up.

Second class (art), my class was one of the very first to be visited by the touring officials. A news crew followed the people around the room, and the camera man took some shots of us. So, I'm sitting there working on my second colored pencil trying to prevent the shavings from getting on my quasi-silk (polyester) black shirt... I look a little bit to the right and the camera lens is abou 2 ft away from my face. How annoying. I was suppose to talk to the officials when they came, but since they came so early I didn't have enough time to go up there and talk, so my teacher had to do it. All this hoopla over the visit... and they didn't stay in the room for more than 10 minutes.

Third class (english) we finished up the play and reviewed for the final exam. I doubt we actually got through everything on the review, so i'll have to get the notes from someone.

Last class (health) I started filling out my review sheet (which I should be typing up... but naw). I was missing a few worksheets since the teacher didn't have enough time to let us work on them, so i'll have to get those from my sis. Whoopie.

Tomorrow I have to take a geometry test first thing in the morning... ech. I still need to study. I really should... but it'll be easy. Afterall, I aced the first semester exam. And since my old geometry teach wrote the test, it'll be easy beyond belief. Still gonna study though.

Heh, weird thing about music. On WinAmp right now is a list with songs my sis and I picked. For some reason, all the songs I picked are making me really happy (go Sugar Jones, Moffats, and JoyBox!) while listening to her songs make me irritable... and they're more or less of the same genre and type. I'd complain, but then I'd have to take some Advil for the headache after she shuts her mouth from complaining. Compromise sucks.

. . . . . posted:||8:00 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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New episode of Kyle's B & B (about a week late, but I'm not complaining... much).

Now if only I could find the link to that other site...

. . . . . posted:||11:54 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Okay, I'm pissed. I let my sis on the computer so that she can type stuff up, and I decided to take a nap. Little did I know that I overslept and ended up missing the OurLadyPeace special on MuchMusic! ::sniff::... Raine-sama....

Several things to note that happened today. First, began my second colored pencil project. I decided to do the nipple-pierced Jesus layout this time around, and I'm about half way done with it. Second, during biology Mary came over and had me sign a release-form so that they could use the poem I submitted in the last issue of the school paper.

Tomorrow senator what'shisface and the Secretary of Education are visiting the school, and during my art class no less. I'm interested in what people will do/act like, especially those in my class. We're not a particularly bad or overly talkative class, but we can be rowdy sometimes. Eh, no one's perfect.

... Damn, now I have to wear something relatively "normal" tomorrow.

. . . . . posted:||11:32 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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I feel like going for a walk today. The sky is a nice overcast so the sun's not blaring out, and everything looks more like a lighted soundset than natural sunlight. And I want to take my camera to photo the man-made lake I live by. See what shots I can get from the big bridge that goes over the lake... But, I have no one to accompany me and I need to work on my studies. Damn school, and damn my friends for not living anywhere near me.

. . . . . posted:||1:51 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Well, at least something good is coming out of my QaF obsession. I just finished reading "A Real Artist" (QaF slash-fic) and I realized that I completely forgot the main reason why I began doing art. This whole year I've been worried about technique and perfection of the image, color composition, etc. that I've neglected the most amazing aspect of art: the ability to capture not just a moment or image, but a feel for the subject. It's been far too long since I drew from life and not a photograph. I want to draw someone so intimately that it reveals part of the person inside.

... My god, that's what I've been doing wrong all year. That's why I've been so unsatisfied with all of my drawings. Yes, that's what I need to do now. I need to stop looking at things so superficially. Why hadn't I seen it all this time?

. . . . . posted:||1:18 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ugh... goddamn. I'm completely obsessed with QaF now... and I haven't even seen one full episode! Need... Showtime.... or the box set of the first episodes... wah!

. . . . . posted:||1:22 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alright, want to know what I've been doing for the past hour or so? I've been customizing my folders so now they all have backgrounds from QaF. Damn, I have no life... either that or I just don't wanna do stuff.

. . . . . posted:||12:43 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Current infatuation of the time: the movie Trick and my kick ass pair of red shades.

Trick... goddamn all the cute ones in it are straight. That kiss in the end was awfully convincing though... but I know better to speculate. I've been singing/humming that song ("Enter You") for a while now, and I do believe that I'm slipping back into my Broadway/Showtunes phase... but now I have to remember all the good songs I used to sing all the time.

Sunglasses... Yeah, I'm wearing them inside the house... at night. The best part about them... they make everything look red. Me being my morbid self, I can really appreciate that. Oh yeah...

Singing was okay... got off-key midway on one of the songs but that's about it...

. . . . . posted:||9:22 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TheSpark.com's Un-Telligence Test! "Interesting. While the subject shows a below average level of intelligence, his sense of observationis amazingly good The subject is better off than he sounds,, since intelligence is far less important than understanding your surroundings when it comes to real life.
"Finally, the subject displayed a insane and twisted (rather brilliant) sense of humor, a fair and productive sense of morality, and a barbaric self-confidence. The balance of these three traits is important; high levels of confidence, medium levels of morality, and a good level of humor make for the strongest individuals."
Final Score: 75% Un-telligent

Hey! I resent that lower-than average intelligence! Then again... GPA's are worth shit now a days...

. . . . . posted:||2:28 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TheSpark.com's Famous Personality Test:

"Like just 12% of the population you are a GURU (SEAF)--kind, knowing, giving. Like Buddha of old, you can be a persuasive speaker, and you use your creative talents to further the objectives of your heart instead of your mind. But be careful that your friends don't take advantage of your relaxed nature, that's what happened to Jesus.

Above all, you like going with the flow. And there is probably nothing in the world you haven't smoked. That's cool. Oh yeah, you like to talk a lot. That's cool, too. Whatever."

Eh... well, they got the Buddha part down. I am the reincarnate Buddha... either that or the constant tummy-rubs for good luck from my friends is just a sick cruel joke. Whatever

. . . . . posted:||2:21 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Well well well... Personally, I hate the Abercrombie & Fitch brand. However, they do have an impressive site... and holy sh*t those guys in the pics are muy caliente!

... Reason #142 why I'm gay: I actually have fun using their mix'n'match program for outfits. Whoo hoo!!!

... Okay, AnchorBlue's page so blows theirs out of the water. Whenever a professional company embraces the use of flash/java/dhtml, I'm rather impressed. That is, unless they do a crap ass job.

Ah... Linking cycle. Now watching some videos from Blink182's visit to Vegas recently... I'm still bitter at people who got to see the whole music fest with them in it. And damn you Athenis for getting near-freakin front row!

... Okay, okay, I'm guilty. I lost the link to Dave's blog, mainly because I forgot to check in for a long while and he had switched to a different server. But, thank's to Sean's link page, I was able to find it again... after about... a month or two of searching? Dave, if you're reading this... Gomen nasai!

Well, at least that means I have yet another blog to fill my daily reading craving.

Ah, the power of coffee (screw cheese!).

. . . . . posted:||2:15 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Okay, I admit. I'm a greedy blog reader. Everytime I check one of the blogs I read daily I want there to be two to three new entries with a lot of content besides three or four lines/words...

But today I bit off a bit more than usual when I checked back at sparks on the curb. Haven't even finished reading everything yet! ;_; Lots of stuff to do, lots of stuff to do...

My new layout is looking rather good. Let me just say one thing... goddamn I love spreadsheets! Now the font is exactly the size I want it without all the messy spacing in between stuff... and I have Seri-chan's webpage to thank for it. After dissecting and analyzing her script, I think I'm finally getting the hang of it. All I need to do now is learn flash/java/dhtml to make this page absolutely stunning. Oh yeah!

I have to sing tomorrow for church. Lots of fun. The performance is expected to go badly since I only just got my music today and a majority of the material is completely new... At this rate, I wonder if I'll make it to the Spring/Summer concert.

God, I love Tracy Takes On... That show is effing awesome!

. . . . . posted:||12:55 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bahh... I need to learn DHTML so I can do a lot of crap with the new QueerAsFolk-themed layout I'm working on.

. . . . . posted:||12:00 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Well well well... just got a perfect score on the QueerQuiz at the Queer As Folk webpage. That's a bit on the scary side... but I'll let it slide for now.

This whole day's been in some defunked mode. I can't go to sleep (and believe me, I've tried) nor can I really focus on things. The day would go by faster if only there were good shows on TV right now... And goddammit I wish I had Showtime! The BBC America stopped playing reruns of QueerStreet...

While trying to work on my new colored pencil (vision kept on getting blurry and I got dizzy once) my sis told me about what a classmate of hers said about my first colored pencil. To quote Tyler: "Damn that's a turn on!" I feel happy. ^_^

... The piece won't make it to any of my school's galleries, I can tell you that.

. . . . . posted:||3:57 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Now I'm just stalling for time.

I should be doing a lot of things: fill out my biology study sheet and lab sheet, work on my new colored pencil, read Demian, update my other pages, go out and have a fresh air... but I just want to lie down in bed.

Thing is, when I do nothing I feel like crap. But thinking of all the work I need to do makes me feel like even more like crap. So, my current mood now is crap squared. If I start to think of some of the events of yesterday I'll have to cube my crap-level.

... doesn't help that it's hot as hell outside which always makes me sleepy. I need to take a cold shower... not for the usual reason.

My family is annoying me again.

. . . . . posted:||10:43 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reflecting on my sister's collection... she's the typical teenage girl. Sure, she doesn't listen to N*Sync or BSB much, but all her cd's consist of punk bands with attractive members (or at least lead singers) who always write songs about love. Not to discredit those bands (a majority of them I do like) but my sis treats them as the "normal" girl would when selecting which boy group will be her favorite for the month/day/hour.

. . . . . posted:||10:26 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
It's 2:15am by the time I get home, and my clothes wreak of cigarette smoke. Visiting casinos till the wee hours of dawn can do that to you.

The purpose for this outing? My family went to go watch Pearl Harbor. Yes, we can tolerate eachother enough to actually go to movies with one another. We arrive at the casino with the theatre in it, and find out that the show we were suppose to see was sold out... so we went for the 10:00pm show. Thing is... it's a 3 hour movie.

To kill time, everyone went to the bowling arena in the same casino (which always manages to be on the other side of the building no matter which one you visit) and sat to watch others bowl. Mi hermana y yo were talking about life in general when "cosmo bowling" kicked in and the laser lights flashed in the darkened room while techno-remixes of pop songs blared loudly through the stereo. At about that time, we had to head back for the movie.

Alright... I'm sorry, but Pearl Harbor sucked. First, it was very trite, concerning the relationships and glorifying shots. The major death scene was, admittedly, one of the best ones I've seen in recent years. Everything was rather cliche.. but that's not saying much what with the current level of movie making. Second, the movie was so goddamn one-sided. The Japanese were portrayed as cold, strategizing, death-wished militarists (even though they were, not to the exaggerated level the movie brought it). But then again... if I wanted to see WW2 from their perspectives I wouldn't really go watch a movie called Pearl Harbor filmed by Americans, now would I. Which is why I need to see a good movie concerning Hiroshima and Nagano to balance out my war ratio.

This reminds me of an interesting conversation I had with my 7th grade social studies teacher. On the subject of WW2 and Pearl Harbor, a classmate asked how do the Japanese feel about that day, and the teacher said how their history books don't really elaborate on it. So, I asked if our textbooks ever did that. And that, ladies and gents, was when we got into a large discussion on the mistreatment of native americans by the white men.

After the movie, we stopped by the nearby cafe (still inside the casino) and I had a patty melt for a long overdue dinner. Halfway through the meal, a party of four guys sat in the booth next to us. One of the guys was blatantly gay (his rather loud conversation was about his numerous ex's), and all had had far too much mead for the night. The gay one was rather cute, but the others were boisterous assholes. Um... yeah.

... to link to another subject again... I don't know... but I think I'm giving off the impression that I'm more so an openly out person rather than the comfortably out person I am. I should spend some time being more reflective than the quasi-ditz I've been the past... two months. Well, in writting I have time to sort out my ideas (as they get sucked out by the evil screen I'm looking at) but I do act completely "valley" when I'm just talking about stuff. So, whenever I do want to be introspective at school and around friends, I often just sit amongst them and draw quietly. Then again, my friends aren't really one to talk deeply about a subject unless it's concerning anime or the rpg/cult/club of anime they've developed.

I make too many friends whom I can't sit down and just talk with. God... no wonder I have issues about self-expression.

. . . . . posted:||3:14 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Today was the ever illustrious tradition of... the yearbook signing. At the end of the day we recieved our yearbooks and had an hour or so to go sign everyone else's... Damn that was hell...

And I had a major relapse of an old crush... major. Even now when I think back on it, my heart started threatening to break out of it's cage. It's still racing as I type this. Ugh... damn my thoughts, as inconsistant as the waxing and waning moon. Unpredictable in all things but the affairs of the heart...

Now how the hell am I suppose to concentrate for piano lessons?!

. . . . . posted:||4:13 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
...I'm posting this in hope that DS.org's ftp will work before I go off to school in the morning.

. . . . . posted:||12:21 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Yes! It took me a while but I finally got down Lil Kim's rap section in the Lady Marmalade song! Now all I have to do is learn the rap sections of Arashi's song...

And damn my lips are tired from all the fast talk.

Still having a bit of trouble deciding what to do for my other colored pencil now that I'm 90% done with my picture. Hmm... another one of my thumbnails perhaps?

Our Lady Peace gets featured on MuchMusic on the 28/29! Yes! I absolutely love this band... and lead singer Raine is a friggin sex pot. Oh yeah...

Today during art a bunch of next-year students visited during the middle of class. There was this particularly cute blonde one that resembled Christian Cambell a LOT... too bad my chances of making a connection are slim. You see... all the students there are deaf. Dammit, I've always regretted forgetting how to speak in sign language!

... More performing in English today. Other than the slow-of-study honors student who sits behind me, I'm looking forward to performing again as Oberon, King Fairie!... The rest of the day (besides art) I could give a shit load less.

... Wow, you can really tell it's late by all the explicits I used.

. . . . . posted:||12:17 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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New Blink182 video for Rockshow... wah! Mark looks so adorable in his lil black glasses!... Travis shouldn't have shaved his head though...

... Which leads to an interesting conversation I had in Biology. While staring at the fetal piglet my group had just evicerated, Mikey wanted to cut the hairs on its chinny chin chin. Sebastian then said something about cutting his leg while shaving last night (he's a swimmer so he has too). That launched a whole discussion on the subject of smooth legs as a turnon... Personally, I've tried shaving before and I have a respect for women who do that all the time. No waxing though. Then Kevin, ever the interesting one, said that at least he's not hairy like Joey... or himself with patches... WAY too much info there.

Hmm... Prozac's "WWW" song is more or less the theme song of us online junkies, no?

. . . . . posted:||8:24 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ugh... another reason why my grandma tries my patience...

She doesn't believe in insomnia. She just thinks I don't want to go to sleep... like hell! I wanna sleep regular hours... but stupid school projects have turned me into a night owl (not like I was one before).

What's worse is the fact that she tries to learn how to use the computer... and has already thrice improperly shut it down. Honestly, her and Denika...

. . . . . posted:||3:29 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
No one's online right now... I feel lonely.

And damned be I if I let insomnia keep me up all night!

. . . . . posted:||2:57 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
eh heh... just spent a few minutes trying to open a bag of chips when I noticed it said "tear here"... yeah, it's rather late.

Now for the two hour's traffic of our time:

Ceramics: Didn't do much except talk to friends now that my teapot is ready to get bisqued. Wanted to work on my colored pencil, but the guy who sits across the table from me is a rather moderate biggot... Second thought, he is. A big one. Weird thing is, I can dismiss that fact a little bit. Like with my hick friend(s) in Arizona...

Art: Found myself sitting and chatting with the two Brazilian exchange students. We had the CD player for the day so they played a mixed cd which went from happy Brazillian music to heart-wrenching Tool. Gotta love their taste in music... but then I had to start over on my piece because I scraped part of the surface off. Not that I don't mind; the mat board I used the first time around didn't allow for smooth application. The new one i got works so much better and looks near perfect. I estimate Friday or Sunday being the day of completion. (.. oh yeah, came out to the two exchange students to explain why I chose the picture involving two guys and nipple biting ^_^)

English: Again, I've been looking forward to this class ever since we started the play. We performed outside in the shaded area of the track (which wreaked of horse dung/ fertilizer) and every so often this girl running the track passed by us as we performed our scenes. Twenty minutes to the end of the period we come back to the room and finish up very little more.

Health: Another guest speaker. This time (since I was psyched from consuming 2 Red Bulls) I didn't fall asleep, but finished outlining my new board while the lady talked on and on. Personally, I don't feel comfortable talking about the intimate details of my life, or hearing those of a complete stranger. So I stayed more or less quiet... okay, I barely opened my mouth.

I'm halfway done with my colored pencil now... and I love it! I'm waiting to do the faces on the guys since I'm a bit sleepy now and I don't want to wreck it or anything...

... and I love Romeo Must Die! Oh yeah!

. . . . . posted:||1:23 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hmm... seems that my pastlife agrees with what I wrote below:

I don't know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.
You were born somewhere in the territory of modern New Guinea around the year 1575.
Your profession was that of a writer, dramatist or organizer of rituals.

Your brief psychological profile in your past life:
You had the mind of a scientist, always seeking new explanations. Your environment often misunderstood you, but respected your knowledge.

The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:
Your lesson is to study, to practice and to use the wisdom that lies within the psychological sciences and in ancient manuscripts. With strong faith and hard work you will reach your real destiny in your present life.

. . . . . posted:||12:55 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Always the one to ponder about life, eh?

Yes, I believe I've found a reason for living. I want to experience, to create, to connect. It's perhaps a bit early to speculate about my "childhood" ideals since I still cling to so many of them. Sure, I gave up the notion of the black and white world of heroes and mad scientist villians way back when. Those have now been replaced with thoughts of bohemia, love, sophistication, and elegance. Since I abandoned my older beliefs on life (specifically the strict dogma of my native catholic church), I have been striving for elegance. Sure, it started as just an excuse to dismiss my slightly feminine attitudes towards existance (and we all know why), but gradually I began looking outside the suburbs I spent the majority of my life in and I saw that the world was ugly. Ever since then I've searched for something more upper-crust.

But now that I look at it, that's rather self-decieving. Now it seems that I want to escape into a make believe world of finesse whenever I can't face the harsh realities of life. At the risk of sounding too high and mighty, I believe that humans differentiate themselves from other animals in our pursuit of things besides physical and genetic survival. It's enough in our instincts that we pursue self preservation, but if we can ignore or, more over, conquer our instincts like so many of our other inborn behaviors, we can become more... Actually, now I'm lost in my thoughts. Can't quite specify what I want to say... But this whole question was asked time and time again in the Japanimation series of Shoujo Kakumei Utena, where the whole series takes place not in a physical world but within the minds of the students set to the backdrop of an academy. Confused yes?

.. I guess I should just say why I want to go on living. I want to experience everything in life; the pains, the heartbreaks, the epiphanies, the first loves, the wonder, awe, and majesty that's woven through the linked atoms around us. Most of all I want to understand why and how music is such a potent agent in our psyche.

I want to create. To leave something in this world before I become worm-fodder. If I can't find the beauty I seek, I will create it. Mold it from the very scraps of reality if I have to, or conjure it out of the recesses of my mind. And it scares me how capable I am at doing this sometimes.

I want to love. Another childish ideal, a love that transcends every barrier, obstacle, and reality; the love formed from hollywood sets and sound stages. True, it's most likely that I won't be one of the very few who do find someone so compatable. I doubt I'll ever find someone again at that. But that doesn't mean I'll try.

I want to connect. I want to communicate with people, to help break down the barriers of our minds so we can fully understand eachother. A world of pure sympathy... I can't even imagine how warm that would be. So I start the process one person at a time.

... Damn, I write too much.

. . . . . posted:||12:52 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Buffet a la Buffy... Holy shit.

Seriously, that ending is effing traumatizing. My god, why didn't they think of the Thor's hammer-esque thing before? Or the orb for that matter (which gets me again because why did Buffy toss the thing to Glory if Glory could easily smash it?).

Willow is becoming quite the strong sorceress. One, she got back Tara (yay!) and they cleared a path for Spike too (double yay!) (but then Spike didn't do much except stall for time). I wonder what kind of reprocussions she'll suffer for using the dark arts though...

It's really nice to see Giles' "ripper" side again. From the part where he yelled at Buffy (a nice change from the blubbering idiot) to Tara's foreshadow of his deed, I knew he'd surface again. Just goes to show that the plucky librarian type is never who he seems.

Anya's humanism speech in this episode seemed... out of place. It did well to show how fear manages to penetrate everything we do (even in the act of and euphoria after sex) and how no matter what we do it'll always be there. Xander's proposal... could have been done better. So much better.

What I'm curious is how Spike will manage to go on for the next season.

Personally, I say that the open-portal thing should have been incorporated into the episode of Angel when they came home. The ending for Angel was equalling shocking though...

... damn you television and your 3 month waiting periods!

(hmm... wonder what'll be said here after the show has been reviewed...)

(and wasn't the grave by the same tree where Buffy and Angel were cuddling last?)

. . . . . posted:||10:36 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ah... Trick is turning out to be an interesting movie... scary thing is the lead acts like my geometry teacher... minus that he's gay and my teach isn't.

. . . . . posted:||3:27 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
... I'm starting to find the fact that Ewan McGregor squeaks occasionally when he sings... cute. Really really cute. It's stopped being annoying... but Nicole Kidman still whoops his ass in the vocal department.

I'm starting to see some celebrities in a cuter light than I had before. First, Ewan. Heath Ledger too, even though A Knight's Tale was so badly done. Actor guy who plays Chad in Friends (mainly after seeing him in Three to Tango). The members of Shinwa (go MVH!) are becoming more appealling...

oh boy... need to do something about this damned libido.

. . . . . posted:||1:38 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hmm...In the Closet Boy seems to be having some of the same discrepencies I had when I was online dating. And let me say that online dating really isn't that fun if you're looking for more than just a friendly voice to talk to.

Trick starts in an hour and a half. Can't wait.

... So my jaw is now officially numb from all the icecubes I've been consuming... but hell, at least I got the research done! Whoo hoo!... still can't sleep till 3:00am though.

. . . . . posted:||1:23 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
It's 1:00 am in the morning, I'm still working on the damned research paper. The printer just ran out of paper so I'll have to finish printing when I can get into the spare box in my parent's room... Oh yes, the only thing keeping me awake right now is a cup of ice I have set on the computer desktop. Not even caffiene keeps me awake anymore, just the biting steel of cold water.

Finally saw the last half hour of Happy Together... good film, good film.

Need to get back to work... but I don't really want to.

. . . . . posted:||1:08 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Another reason why MuchMusic rocks... they play jpop sometimes! I got to see PUFFY AMI YUMI's new video and it's so awesome! ^_^

... dammit, have to go back to science fair research now.

. . . . . posted:||11:04 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
God damn, I wanna watch Moulin Rouge.. if only to see Nicole strut it in diamonds and sparkle...

... and oh yes, if Tom Cruise is gay/bi, I'd so screw him. No chance in tranny hell that's happening, but dreams are nice.

... my god, did I just use the word "tranny?" Shoot me, Mr. DeVille..

. . . . . posted:||4:10 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Little word of advice... never ever eat some sweet tasting jello and then sip semi-sweet lemonade. Ech! You can't taste the sweetness at all, just the overbearing sour of the citric acid. Again, ech.

Nothing too extraordinary this week. Technically this is the last regular week of school I'll have. Next week we get monday off and then we review our materials for the finals the following week (with the tests for periods 1 and 4 on the last two days). Today was interesting to say the least.

Ceramics: finished that damned teapot, then had an interesting episode with finding the appropriate clear glaze to coat my new candle holder. At least my house/cathedral is baking nicely in the kiln.

Art: Ms. T is giving us today and tomorrow to get our thumbnails down pat before we have to start working on our project. I, being the perverbial chicken, waited till the last five minutes of class before getting my image approved. (seen here) Ms. T really liked how I used photoshop to manipulate the pics I scanned and asked me if I could post my thumbnails on the board. Of course, why not?

English: Performed AMSND again, but this time K accidently called me the "Queen Fairie" instead of who I actually am (I'm Oberon, the KING Fairie). This moment was preceded when, while trying to explain the plot to this rather daft dance major, someone made the mix-up of saying that Demetrius and Lysander fell in love (only in the LVA production, my friend). So, when that little mistake came around, almost everyone was howling with laughter. Naturally, I was embarassed but couldn't help laughing in the inside; I already knew Seri, Liz, J, and K were already doing that.

Health: Had a nice half hour's sleep while the guest speaker babbled on about nothing. I could've stayed awake but my sister fell asleep in her class (just the next room down) so she sent me all her residule sleeping signals via telepathy... Which is what I don't get, since we're not twins... but we're not exactly a year apart either. Hn...

Now, I'm working hap-heartedly on the final Biology science fair research. Come 2:00am in the morning, you'll see me scrambling to get it done. Whoopie! -_-

Still feeling the effects of the oysters from way back when... damn you Aphrodite and your damned spring fever... :p

. . . . . posted:||4:03 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NOW she's awake... and craving for boiled egg

... just when I was in the middle of cooking them...

... I hate our telepath(et)ic link.

. . . . . posted:||1:14 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Update on the sister.

Right now she's managed to kick off all the cushions of the sofa and, despite the several metal coils sticking out, had not woken up. So, I proceed to tickle her.

I make her squirm repeatedly until she rolls over and falls with a comical thud on the floor. Further tickling finds her squirming and somehow managing to wriggle under the coffee table... ruining my collage photos in the process! >.<

I expect that her forehead will meet the basal wood when she finally awakens with a nice, generous thud.

. . . . . posted:||1:08 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
It's about 1:00am, an hour over when I'm suppose to have woken up my sister so she can work on her Careers essay... and what have I been doing for the past hour?

Trying to wake her up.

Right now I'm clawing at her legs with my now sharp finger nails, and she's kicking her legs as if she were riding a bicycle. Funny thing is, I doubt she'll remember any of this when she wakes up.

... Yeah, I'm a bastard. I'll apologize to her in the morning.

. . . . . posted:||1:01 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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I plan to watch Hey!Hey!Hey! tonight at 9:30 to help wash down the fact that I've missed the past 3 weeks of American high.

. . . . . posted:||5:42 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I'm fucking pissed again.
Pissed at my stubborn ass sister.
Pissed at Blogger for no apparent reason.
Pissed that my new OurLadyPeace CD has already been scratched.
Pissed that I can't play the tripletets in Gershwin's Prelude.
Pissed that I can't make a decent layout for my colored pencil assignment.
Pissed that I can't write anymore poetry.
Pissed that my fingers manage to lock themselves for five minutes at a time.
Pissed for the fortune plant that bloomed and has stenched this house.
Pissed that I missed Santa Cruzan to watch A Knights Tale
Pissed at the three guy couples I saw at the mall yesterday for having someone.
Pissed that my computer froze when I finished writting a long post (again).
I refuse to look at the world without my rose colored lenses.
And I'm pissed at my father for breathing so loudly.
And I'm pissed at myself for writing this.

. . . . . posted:||5:34 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Hmm... Fridays are starting to feel better and better.

My collage/layout for the new project is taking off real well, but I have so many ideas as to what type of layout I want to do. So far, I have these ideas:1) Zeus captures Ganymede's beauty during a photoshoot, 2) Zeus is watching TV with Ganymede in the screen, 3) Zeus is pointing down at Ganymede from above, 4) Zeus is standing infront of Ganymede who's sitting down, 5) Zeus waits in a dark alley as Ganymede approaches, 6) a picture of E. Gonzalez being taken away with a hawk embroidered on the back of the abductor's jacket, 7) Ganymede's sitting infront of a computer with an AIM window open and is talking dirty with Zeus (in this one, G's about 10 yrs old). Le sigh... which one to do?

I love the cafe atmosphere. I really do. Today, because we were running a bit late, sis and I had to wait in our dad's office until he had enough breaktime to bring us back home. So, we walked half a block to the nearby cafe. With $5 in my pocket I was able to buy a caramel machiatto and a phylo-chocolate crusant. So, sister and I sat on the crushed-velvet sofa talking about life and miscellany for an hour or so. We talked about the current infatuations attitudes about boys, eye fucking the cute ones who passed, and discussed the project at hand.

The conversation turned an interesting direction when we got to the ever popular subject of our school's homo-population. Upon analyzing the patterns of desirable material at school, I've come to a conclusion about the gay-community at large in LVA... Every guy wants to be on top. That would explain why Mike, Eric, and Kevin are such "likable" canidates for boyfriends (except for the fact that Eric's the only gay one; the other two are straight... for now) (... and even Eric wants to be on top too). Me? I'm more versatile. We'll leave it at that.

It seems that my goal of "non-boyfriend-hunting" for the rest of the year has been breeched... for quite sometime now. Ever since I had that large oyster dinner a while back (damn you oysters) my libido and romantic side have increased from the Titanic to the iceberg that sank the Titanic. Now I find myself glowering after every delectable specimen that crosses my path. That includes old crushes (Eric, Mike, Nick Cotter) and people I normally never consider boyfriend material (Kevin, Joey, Drew, Wes)... Ugh, I hate hormonal inbalances!

The soundtrack to Moulin Rouge (recently acquired by my dad today) Is so damn sensual... I should probably stop playing it in my current emotional situation...::presses stop::....::presses play:: Screw that, I love this music!

. . . . . posted:||12:08 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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The Church of Zeus and Ganymede... scary. Very scary. I knew the story of Z and G related to pedophiles but... shudder.

. . . . . posted:||11:03 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Oh how I envy people who develop close bonds with their teachers (especially Paul and his highschool art teacher). I can never seem to make that connection except for my instructors who're relatively my same age... I can see the bonds beginning to form (finally) at the end of my freshman year. Ms. T, my VisualDesign teacher, is a lot of fun to be with, and she gives a lot of constructive criticism (not to mention she wants to steal my sis and I away from our parents). The "Three Musketeers" who're my english, careers, and another english teacher (don't have her) are really close (a la Boston Public) and I, more than once, get caught up in their schemes.

Oh boy... Music is invading every pore of my body, seeping into my mind as I can feel it chilling my spine as it travels down to where my feet touch carpet. I can hardly breathe; it's so beautiful. Completely undescribable, even for a quasi-poet like I. I'm scared. I feel as if someone dowsed me with chilled water and set the fan on high. I can feel my soul trying to free itself again from this cage of flesh...

... I'm sorry, I get this way sometimes. I love music, can't you tell?

. . . . . posted:||1:28 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Will and Grace today... hilarious! Personally, I really regret the fact that I have to wait all summer for a new episode to air! ;_; Jack's tribute to Yentl was... well, it was interesting. Surprised he can hold a note that high for a full minute. The part with his son was touching. They didn't go too far to get to know eachother, but they just didn't leave us hanging (... with too much). Just going out for a burger.. .but who's buying?

Nice to see Will finally getting along with Grace's new boyfriend after the season long war that was being waged. It's refreshing to see that happen, even though it still felt like they crammed all the bonding into one night of alcoholic rememberance. And the chance meeting at the very end... oh, if only life worked like that. ^_^

... How sad, I wanted to write something that happened today that was rather significant for me... and I've forgotten it while trying to review tonight's (techinically last night's) episode of Will and Grace.

. . . . . posted:||1:14 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Sniff... the current episode of Kyle's B and B is so sad! Really feel sorry for Richard.... sniff.... okay, that's enough.

HotorNot.com isn't helping my current mood at all... how strange.

. . . . . posted:||11:24 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
::scribbled on the leather-bound book I bought today::

UNCONVENTIONAL... is the word of the hour. Can't think of what I want to present in my piece. My thoughts about the sybject are reajjy xloudy and unorganized (the fact that I'm bored out of my mind in japanese class isn't helping). I'm effing anxious, aching to start this project; the XY magazine has unexpectedly lit my libido on fire. So, I spent lunchtime working on my painting, trying to sort out the thoughts in the boiling pot which is my brain. If I can't draw straight lines, how do they expect me to paint them? This headache's not helping at all. Originally I wanted to depict something like pure, true love... Problem is, Zeus' love for Ganymede is pure lust. So, I have to find some other, alternate theme. Easiest one to do would be pedophiles.... but no."

And right now the flowers of the fortune plant exploded open... and the poignant aroma is making the bile rise to the back of my throat.

. . . . . posted:||7:40 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I will never cease to cringe at the barbie-doll contestants and limp-wristed consultants of the child beauty pageant.

And I feel like vomiting. I can still smell the phermaldihide(sp) and pickled internal juices in the frog I dissected today for the last period of school... god, I want to vomit. I swear that I will never cut up an organism unless it's fresh! At least it didn't stink as bad as the human cadavers... or look like peanut butter soup for that matter.

. . . . . posted:||3:05 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
... the libido monster is in full swing again. God, sometimes I feel like Max (from Dark Angel) with her "in-heat" cycles.

. . . . . posted:||2:52 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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And on another side note, I have found the perfect picture of Ganymede in the other thing I bought at BORDERS (the 20th issue of i-D), a blue-washed picture of a pale, androgenous boy wrapped in an actual fishnet (not the bastardized faux-clothing variety).

... Okay, I lied. I bought two other things from the B store today. One, Demian by Herman Hesse, a journey into the very urge of anarchy and adolescent rebellion.

Second, a leather-bound book with blank pages for me to write in.

Third, a venti caramell mocchiato at the neighboring Starbucks.

That's about it.

. . . . . posted:||11:09 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Finally bought an issue of XY. I must say... first off, the cover is rather disturbing (mocha-tan with hot/fusia pink nipples? no thanks). The small ads on the sides are a bit on the trite side (especially the one about Queer Christians)(... just used side twice and at too close a proximity. The letters are quite interesting, and so were some of the articles. The crowning grace of this magazine would have to be the editorial column about the dematerialization of America's standards, specifically the treatment of issues by the media. The article about Rene Capone was amazing; a calibre to match the paintings of his that they show. Major minus of this magazine? The Gaydar section with it's jarring slang, use of multi-colored lettering, sticky caps, and the whole tabloid feel of those two pages... ugh!

... I'm seriously considering sending in a few of my poems though.

. . . . . posted:||11:01 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hmm... At the behest of L's suggestions, I'm contemplating installing some sort of commenting system (most likely blogvoices)... well well well, In the Closet Boy seems to be having the same type of problem...

In other news, we began reading A Midnight Summer's Dream in English (as expected)... and I got the part of Oberon! Oh yeah! King Fairie King Fairie... but I never did get the part where he wanted the changelling boy... Perhaps he's a pedophile?

Speaking of which... for Art I've decided to do the myth of G and Z, and I have the support of all my friends in art (except for the one whose completely homophobic). Thing is, we have to get our images from magazines. That means that I won't be able to get the two guys I've been intending for this picture (minus one) but I get to peruse the gay/lesbian section at BORDERS tonight (plus one) to find a suitable image (plus two). ^_^

. . . . . posted:||4:41 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Grandma doesn't understand the concept of the "Lady Marmalad" video... or that of the whole saloon scene back then. I swear, she tries my patience (what little I have) so badly.

. . . . . posted:||8:07 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
New layout! Archive section still needs a bit of tweaking, but I need to finish my homework first.

. . . . . posted:||7:57 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Well, amen that blogger has finally gone back on its two feet.

Mondays.... suck. Tell me why I hate mondays?

Geometry today was boring and rather tedious; several worksheets and a long note-taking session... all on reviewing how to graph lines. Ugh. I basically just chatted with everyone around me about their weekends, gossip, those damned invertebrate books (more on that later) etc. etc. The bell rings, and I'm glad I'm out of that class.

Today I was rather ecstatic about going to Art. Our week-long note-taking session about ancient Mesopotamia/Egypt/Greece has ended (with an open-note test on it tomorrow... eh, it'll be easy) so today we finished our oil paints. All I had to do was sharpen all my edges (used high-grade oil-color pencils for that) and paint the remaining negative space black. I'm so effing excited to get started on the next project!

Japanese was... boring as usual. (Almost) everyone failed the last chapter test so we spent the better part of the first class reviewing. I, being deprived of any drawing material (left both sketchbooks at home... and I refuse to draw on lined paper!), started humming miscellanous songs in my head. The bell rings for lunch, and I head out with my Walkman in one hand and a notebook in the other. Of course, I didn't really write much poetry that day... or recently... but now my painting's not lacking so I can't really complain that things haven't evened out. We get back from lunch and are given 5 minutes to practice our skits before performing them (which spilled over into 10 minutes or so). My group volunteered third. So, it's our turn to present. I walk up to the tv screen to put in our video... when I realize that my other group members are already hiding outside the classroom. I push the tape inside, turn up the volume a bit, and dash for the door where I found the other three trying to hide in the lockers... well, not really. God, that video was so embarassing... but I got smart and put myself in the position of not being seen; I was the camera man for our BlairWitch-esque type of shots. I feel sorry for G though; during the same day she's been dumped, failed a test, and made a complete ass of herself.

Biology... shudder. Turned in the invertebrate book I stayed up till 4:00am this morning doing. It's bad enough that Ms. L is one of the big homework teachers on campus (the other being Ms. M), but the fact that she's almost as crafty as Rosie O'Donnell... well, that combination has led to several interesting projects. A majority of them are books (such as the one I made) which can range from origami-esque foldouts, to pop-ups, to family albums for our genetics unit. Shudder... Although, I must admit that doing all the tedious typing for it does let me study somewhat from it... but still, why must it be so tedious? Ugh...

I'm actually looking forward to school tomorrow. In ceramics I'm getting closer and closer to finishing my teapot set before it has to get bisque fired so I can colorize it with slip. That and I need to get my other two projects colorized so I can get them fired and take them home. The best part of the day, I'm hoping, will be English. We're beginning to read the Bard's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" in class, complete with slight acting... and I am so pining for the role of Oberon... Yeah, I know he's the King of Fairies... that's kind of the idea... makes sense that they'd cast Rupert Everet to be him in the movie, huh?... Either that or Puck.

Added a new feature to the blog. Lookie, the "track" is now a link to a specific post... Yeah yeah, I know it's about time I added that to mine... shu'p!

. . . . . posted:||4:54 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
hmmm... let's see if blogger's working today.

. . . . . posted:||4:08 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
... What do ya know, blogger's working again. Trouble is, all the posts I've been attempting to publish have all showed up... and a majority of them say the exact same thing... damn.

I'd go ahead and clean it up... but I need to take a shower and get at least 3 hour's sleep... (looks at clock) make that two hour's sleep.

Like the curator of blogger, I'll get everything cleaned up by later today.

. . . . . posted:||2:50 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Rather nice site with info about the myth of Ganymede and other figures of mythology. Anyways, here's to hoping that blogger works!

(originally posted 8 hours earlier)
"Happy Mother's Day, mom. I'm gay!"

Heh, hell no! I am not saying that, especially on a day which my Martha Stewart-esque mother reveres so.... Yes, a filipino version of Martha Stewart does exist.

Finished a majority of all my homework... all I need to do now is touch-up my painting (and hope the paint dries by the time school starts), geomtery, japanese (edit commercial), and such.

... Yeah, that's about it. Considering Blogger's been erasing some of my posts (specifically the one I tried sending about an hour ago). This time though.... ctrl+A, ctrl+c."

. . . . . posted:||11:38 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
It took me a bit of searching but finally I found this magazine's page. Now if only I can find any of these two magazines on a magazine stand in my general vicinity. Le sigh...

Finally got the bulk of all my writting homework done. All I need to do now is to edit the commercial thingy I filmed for Japanese (and include subtitles), and work on some easy geometry homework... but first, I need to construct this book.

... Before that, I need to read some of this poetry... mostly angsty/suicidal poems (Sean can sympathize with me about these types of poems), but some are rather decent. Others... well, I don't want to get into a huge rant about it... Or the preachers/bashers attempting to be poets to further their causes.

an hour later, I remember that I'm suppose to hit post and publish after I'm done with the post. Eh heh...

One little note to add: I've been searching for information/versions of the Ganymede/Zeus myth I want to do for the up and coming mythology project in art. Lots of interesting information I found, yes...

... and damn, I haven't touched my painting due tomorrow for the past week and a half. Must get started on that.

. . . . . posted:||1:43 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Just finished watching another late-night movie: Better Than Chocolate....Damn. I love late-night HBO! I so wish these films showed back when I was first reconfiguring myself. They would have helped so much...

Why do I get the premonition that I'll be attending a lot of gayrights events in my future? Heh, oh well... back to biology.

. . . . . posted:||4:34 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Just had a silence bout with the grandma about how late/early it is right now. She scolds me about how late I've stayed up, the mess in the kitchen, how the TV will fall apart if I let it run all night long etc. etc... And I, the ever serene angel, counter her words with a look of confusion. I feign misunderstanding and continue on my work, while she sighs in frustration/ contempt and goes back upstairs.

... yeah, this family needs lessons in communication.

. . . . . posted:||4:14 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Would I delete "the perfect guy" if I ever created him? Afterall, it would just be something (or someone) who'd finally be able to meet all my high standards. But then... it'll be like I created a sex doll who I can have a conversation with. So, after realizing all this, would I delete him? I don't know... the temptation is rather large.

What prompted this explorational question? Just got finished watching Virtual Sexuality, a british film about a girl who (accidently) creates her "perfect" guy (and no, he wasn't cute... he was sex on effing wheels!... ahem) but then decides to literally delete him because they were much too alike ("and if I did it, it'd be the worst kind of incest ever!").

I've seen so many shows about this very subject where man plays god to create the ultimate sexmachine/cuddledoll. There's the obvious Weird Science TVshow/movie, an episode of Perverse Science, another of Friday the 13th:The Series, and, most recently, an episode of Buffy.

Currently watching a touching movie about "acting straight" infront of your mother who'd cast out her daughter out of the daughter's own house if need be...

Goddammit! I need to turn off the TV so I can work on my effing homework... le sigh.

. . . . . posted:||3:17 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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TheSpark.com Slut Test

Yeah baby!

. . . . . posted:||7:32 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I hate the white-washed walls in my house. Wish they were nice and art-nouve like 6:05 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I am doing this in trust that blogger does not break down whilst I write.

Perusing around Tim's list of links, I've come to discover that the great majority of those who maintain weblogs are rather egotistical and eccentric or are down-right angst-ridden who deserve to be fed Ritalin intravenously. And hell, I'm not innocent of commiting any of the above.

Then again, it does take some amount of vanity to write up your thoughts and then post em for the world to see.

Yes, I'm typing this due to frustration from my new layout encoding. I've been sitting in front of the computer all day working on homework, layout, and editing pics. Frankly, I need to get an adrenaline rush. And I'm too lazy to go outside and walk... that and it'll be dark soon. And it's a bit on the hot side (compared to the freezer which is my house. God bless a/c).

I think my over-driven libido is seriously affecting my train of thought. Hell, I spent 6 hours in bed cuddling with a pillow I was pretending was my boyfriend.

... stupid angst post.

. . . . . posted:||6:04 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Our Lady Peace: Oh my god, this page is gorgeous. Watching the pages where samples of the band's music is... Now this is my idea of digital art! Even the opening page has been nurtured supremely by the wonder known as FlashMedia... oh yeah, the lead singer's hot too.

Ahem... Anyways, currently watching Four Rooms on late-night HBO. I swear, this movie is one of the funniest I have ever seen. Sure, the second one's saving merit is the list of phallic slang at the end... nothing can really save the last segment from being dull compared to the blatant satire of the third segment (my personal favorite). How can you not love the two gutter-mouthed kids of Antonio Banderas (one a drunk, the other a fag-sucker... erm, cig smoker), Senior B. himself, burning hotel rooms and lipstick-drawing, and the incorporation of the dead-prostitute urban legend into the whole scheme of things. Damn, I love this movie! Hopefully, with the writer's strike coming to a close, we'll see movies like this again.

Ninong (godfather) Mario from the motherland came to visit for a little bit (he's here for a convention) and due to his flight being delayed, my sister and I were not picked up from school at the usual time (around 2:00-ish), instead at 2:50-ish. So, sis and I sat on the steps to the front doors of the Main building (watching the ants and flies go around). Finally, our dad pulls up on the family's champagne-colored Odyssey, with Ninong Mario sitting up front. Strangely enough, I hardly exchanged 10 words with him the whole time he was visiting... but then again he was only in the house for about 45 minutes. Right now the parental units are entertaining him around the town, thus I haven't been booted off the computer yet. And even then, I'd use well-honed techniques of stealth to get back down here.

Still need to work on biology homework (all 7 of them), adding subtitles to the skit my group did for japanese, and working on graphing (::shudders::) homework for geometry. Damn, looks like I won't have enough time to participate in the community-wide "chalk the concerte" festival tomorrow. And I was so looking forward to displaying my mad skills with chalk on the pavement... hate it when I slip into ghetto-fab lingo... And I still have to work on my painting as well... life's WAY too busy these days. And I'll probably be feeling the effects of this day's work (or lack-there-of) tomorrow and the day after. Whoopy!

I should close this window, seeing how whenever I type one up for more than an hour, blogger tends to lose it. Then again... ::ctrl+A, ctrl+C:: There we go.A

. . . . . posted:||12:45 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Oh how I missed the late-night programming on HBO! Just finished watching Relax... It's Just Sex, and I love the movie! Right off the bat, they have a "politically correct" disclaimer about "lipstick lesbians" and "gym-queens" reminiscent of the "educational" videos of the 50's... which is then bluntly proceeded by the image of two guys banging furiously. No, I do not watch these movies to get off (and why would I? Nothing shown anyways)... and afterall the shock value kinda ties in with the whole comedy thing. Hell, there's a point where the antagonistic protagonist (head still located between a pair of legs) wonders if he should spit or swallow, which ties into the advice his friend gave him while she fitted him for a gown.

Yeah, making no sense I know...

In Art, we're about to work on our last project of the year; colored pencils. We have to choose our favorite Greek Myth and take photographs of it "modernized," which in turn is used as a basis for the colored pencil. I'm thinking of doing Zeus and Ganymede... but I don't know if that'll fly well with everyone else. Then again, I might just be using this as an excuse to get two guys to model for me... I could make the two lesbians... Hm, decisions decisions.

. . . . . posted:||2:24 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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God, I love this searchengine so much!: Mamma.com - The Mother Of All Search Engines.

. . . . . posted:||8:58 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Oh my god that Zoloft commercial for depression medication is too cute!.... okay, shutting up.

. . . . . posted:||8:51 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Oh, and in other good news, I have near perfect pitch! During piano I do some perfect pitch exercises, and when I was asked to hum an A note, I was only a quarter of a halfstep flat. So happy!

. . . . . posted:||8:43 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Goddamn, again Blogger lost a big ass post I did yesterday.

Well, Some news today.

Recently, there's been a lot of talk about HIV and STDs in my life. First, we had the sex ed. unit in health for the past three weeks (ended last week) and the last thing we did was watch a movie about Ryan White. Hell, even yesterday during religious education at church (R.E.), my teachers showed a video where the motivational speaker spoke about pre-marital sex, STDs, and such of the matter (the spiritual part got rather boring).

I'm currently weighing my options... Afterall, I don't have to worry about pregnancy (neither getting nor causing), but there're still so many different diseases out there: chlymidia, genital warts, etc. And then the dreaded HIV virus... I could go on and on about that. Maybe, as Joey would put it, I worry and stress over that so much because we belong to the gay community; the first social group to be publically and widely afflicked. But no, it's not only that. I don't want to die early in my life. Nor do I want to suffer the indignant death followed by this disease. Death with passion is one of my greatest romances, but death from slowly rotting due to sickness... well, that's sick.

But anyways, last week when my friend drove me over to church for R.E, we stopped by the local health clinic and got tested. Today I got my results back.... negative.

I love being alive.

. . . . . posted:||8:28 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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This fucking program hates me. It deleted a rather large post I was about to make, and the foul mood I'm in right now doesn't help that fact.

All I had to say was: fuck the parents, fuck the grades, fuck the noise, and fuck fuck fuck the boys.

I'm sick and tired of this psychological need of mine to always be perfect. I'm frustrated that I can't concentrate in anything that I do. It's like when I fell in love, but I have no idea to fixate on. And so near the end of the school year... so near...

I blame my parents for instilling in me this idea of being the best. With the inherited brainpower of two valedictorians, I'm expected to perform at their calibre. Sure, they don't say it outright, but they want me to be the best at everything I do. It's almost as if I can feel it in these genes of mine, incrypted in adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine.

Art is the only true outlet I've been given. And even these days I can't find the inspiration I need, that new idea which will give me a fresh perspective of the world.

Goddamn, I need a way out of this! I hate fucking the inevitable creator's block! Not even music is helping me escape.

I need a fucking adrenaline rush! Even as I feel the caffeine from strong coffee flood my veins and course through my very being, it offers stale comfort. The next day always comes and I can't do anything to stop it. I can't freeze time like I was able to as a child; to differentiate myself from this dimension and live in my llittle corner, if only for a minute.

I can't even stand to look at this fucking night-lite of a screen...

. . . . . posted:||11:54 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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I-Channel is a good thing!

Currently watching Music Video Heaven, and now I am an official fan of K-pop! Go H.O.T., S.E.S., Cleo, Kyungho, and the half dozen artists I've forgotten about already!... Well, Hikaru-sama is still my favorite asian artist. No one can beat her vocal beltings!

Damn... Kyungho's video is completely amazing... if not a blatant rip off of Tenshi no Tamago. The white masks and general industrial feel of the video...oh! I just wanna ride the director!

Ahem... anyways...

. . . . . posted:||10:51 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Baah... REALLY should be working on my science fair notes (and mu japanese family homework). But don't really want to. REALLY really don't want to. Too many interesting things to do. Currently working on three different new layouts... but can't decide which! ;_; Seri-chan! Get online sometime so i can show you the different ones I've made! Onegai~?

Need new computer chair. This piano bench I'm sitting on isn't comfy at all... and there's no back so I can't really rest and I run the risk of toppling over if I forget that fact.

English was... interesting to say the least. The girl who sits behind me looses track of whatever the teacher says every 5 minutes and can't follow when we try to explain some rather complex stuff. It's... interesting to see how she reacts to all the frustration, but then again I'm a bit of a bastard for doing so. Eh.

The girl who sits on the other side of the clas (the blonde one to be known as T) is, at times, shockingly rude. She has an attention span and patience shorter than mine, which is a very scary thing. Every five minutes she's always the one who tells everyone to shut up or says something sarcastic and VERY inappropriate. Almost as rude and conceded as A, but I won't go there.

Fell asleep while taking notes in Health. Several times. Just found out that Wes is moving shortly after the school year is over. And all I ahve to say is damn! He was really fun to be around with (not to mention cute) and he loved watching Buffy. Only flaw is his constant need to talk with the other two of the "three stooges" his circle of friends make up. And he (finally) remembered to bring back my tape with the big Buffy episode on it.

Recorded myself singing "Funny Valentine" on the computer. Maybe I'll post it sometime... maybe not. Eh, who knows?

Uncle and family are coming over for dinner tonight for my dad's little birthday dinner. It'll prove to be interesting... and even more so if my step cousin comes before he's over at work. Hope uncle D brings some of his famous grilled catfish again! Ma sarap!

... fine, I'll start my homework.

. . . . . posted:||4:38 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Quick entry before I head off to school.

First off, constantly being hooked on the net and not having to log onto AOL is awesome! ^_^

Just now, I used the scanner upstairs as a kind of copier for my sis' books for biology...

and now I must go. g'bye

. . . . . posted:||6:13 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Hm... interesting movie on IFC.

Happy Together is a weird.. yet touching drama of two quarrelsome guys trying to be happy while living in Britian-controlled HongKong. It's rather sweet how the two treat eachother, from the sponge baths, to moving around the couch so they can sleep in a "bed" big enough for two (which happens to be flea infested and is in need of a good coat of Raid). Even when one of them gets sick and the other askes him to cook for him ("Are you crazy! Asking a sick man to cook for you...!"), he still does, if reluctant to as well.

Strangely enough, this is the first movie where I've seen two gay asian men in a loving (if not down-right emotionally abusive) relationship. Sure, The Wedding Banquet had a chinese and white couple (which is probably the type of pairing I'll find myself throughout my life), but... Well, I don't know what more to say.

Aw... the two are waltzing in the kitchen! How cute!

. . . . . posted:||11:38 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Well, at least someone is getting lucky in the love department these days. Congrats, man.

. . . . . posted:||10:59 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"...There's so much in life to share, what's the sense where no one else is there?"
- from "Anything but Lonely": Aspects of Love

Well, check mark another gay cliche: I like lots of broadway music. Keep in mind I didn't say I like ALL broadway; there're a lot of annoyings songs out there... and don't even get me started on CATS... shudder.

Listening to some of the jazz tracks I got off of Napster... it's quite nostalgic. The slow and sultry saxophone brings me back to one of my favorite memories. It's late at night back in Arizona, and we're coming home from a performance of Jekyll&Hyde. I'm in that hazy grey place just before sleep, and I'm mesmerized by the streetlights. Fascinated how, as we sped along the street, the yellow glow from the streetlights seemed to run along your body, as if you were a barcode being checked. And sometimes, when I gaze off while looking out the window, the lights would leave trails. And it would seem that I was going through some hyper-space tunnel like in Star Treck. Nightlight-life is wonderful.

. . . . . posted:||2:45 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Whoa, blogger bickering on psionic.nu. Reminds me of one not too long ago with HNCM and AUDIENCE versus Brian at SeventhMoon (address misplaced). Like watching a soap opera... well, reading one anyways. Just minus all the divorces, evil twins, corny special effects *coughpassionscough*, and other plot engines used in absence of real writers. Wheee

. . . . . posted:||12:29 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
::note: typing with one hand only::

Scary... the world is about to end. Either that or I've acquired a hell of a lot more frustration in my life. Or both. Anyways... My grandma wanted to learn how to use the computer today. So I spent a good 15 min. instructing her on the use of a mouse (or moose as she pronounces it), half an hour on exactly how to search the web, and a full hour's explanation on how to get around a webpage (with 15min on the use of the scroll bar). I swear, she better not get into my online time, obaba-SAN.

Sigh... rant over. I should be working on my painting/science fair notes but... well. I just want to relax for a bit.

Well, switching to two hands now that I've discovered that I can't read a book and type at the same time. One of the several fortune plants flowered recently. A sign of good luck, or at least that's what Tita Beth says. My grandma will believe everything someone tells her though.

ugh.... Stupid spring fever, stupid oysters and other aphrodisiacs, stupid references to Eric I see nowadays (at XY one of the pictures is a guy writing on a chalk board "I will not kiss Eric in school"), I don't need a boyfriend right now!.. but then, why do I want one so bad? There goes the boy-abstinence for this year....

. . . . . posted:||12:21 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Yeah, I spent a few hours there again. Well, the Our Lady of Peace video is playing and life is looking good. Damn... the singer is hot! And the voice!... completely Cure-esque sexy. I dunno, but I think I'm building up a liking for canadian guys. Hn, oh well.

. . . . . posted:||12:03 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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I don't know why, but Our Lady Peace's music always makes me feel like painting and general creating. A painting waits, half finished by the fireplace mantle. While perusing my collection of photographs, I've found that I have no models to pose for me. Sure, I have female models, but they can only go so far. I need male models... not so much to act out my fantasies (which, I guarantee you, would be a bit on the pornographic side) but who'll allow me to document they're lives, more or less. The whole point of photography, afterall, is capturing something. A sense of aesthetic documentary.

... Goddamn, my instinct for love is especially sensitive lately. Damned oysters...

. . . . . posted:||10:20 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
So, I'm sitting here more or less lurking while a rather interesting conversation is going on in the chatroom... and I'm bored. There's talk of Malcom in the Middle, teen sex, and fruit-flavored condoms. Very interesting... if only I could get into it sometime. Oh well. Chicago's "All that Jazz" is playing and life is starting to look well.

At least I finished half of my homework due next week. All I have to do is type up my notes for science fair, and then work on that damned biology invertebrate book. I need as many points as I can get though, now that I forgot to turn in a lab sheet worth about 50-100pts. I think I have enough extra credit to make up for it though... Still, that means that I'm out of the competition for the top grade in that extremely competative class. Damn.

Song's now "Another Suitcase in Another Hall" from Evita. And the Brit awards start on BBCAmerica in half an hour.

p.s. In case you haven't noticed, I'm accumulating favorite broadway songs. Fun.

. . . . . posted:||10:04 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Well, here's an interesting dive into the true dynamics of conversation. Funny as hell too! ^_^

. . . . . posted:||4:51 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
::pout:: I hate living in Vegas sometimes. Everyone has this weird view of the place, and it's a bit hurtful when you hear what they think of you and your city (even steven, fellow artist, detests vegans, despite the (several) arts magnet schools we have... Well, at least Tim and Seri understand how we feel.

Which is why it's rather stupid that they're taking out all the arts in all the highschools here. And everyone talks of making Las Vegas more cultured... Then again, there's a difference between culture and talent. Sure, Arizona was extremely better cultured that Vegas, but it lacked the calibre of concentrated talent which Vegas has, specifically in our magnet schools. Oh well.

. . . . . posted:||12:07 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
BBCAmerica is great! I've been watching a lot of the comedy/sitcoms that the PBS station in AZ had which Vegas lacks. Red Dwarf has always been a favorite, but it's rather hard to come by since PBS never plays the show on a regular scheduel. But, right now there's a marathon of CHEF!, a sitcom about a foul-mouthed Chef Blackstock. Oh how I love british humor sometimes!... Well, except for the cases of "One Foot in the Grave"... never can understand the whole old-folks' comedy.

Oh, and by the way... mental note to self: Never eat oysters with the family again. Don't get me wrong, oysters are a good thing, but the whole aphrodisia... well, eating oysters while having a rather large libido is not a good combination... Just felt like saying that because last night have oysters... and Julie mentioned something about oysters on her journal. Oh boy... still feeling the effects.

Damn.... a long while later (two hours to be exact) I'm finally closing this window. Damn... need to get working.

. . . . . posted:||12:01 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Just got home from watching the new Mummy movie, and lemme just say that it was fun as heck! Sure, there're no deep conversations about the human condition a la "War and Peace," but it's a great way to kick off the new summer movie season... which promises to be far better than the past two years' bad crop. Thing about this new movie... it resembles a lot of Final Fantasy/every other RPG out there.

Uwa~! Danny boy's on MTV RealWorld NOLA!!! Okay, moment of libido gone.

Anyway, first there's an airship. Second, the people use the airship to jump around to about 5 different temple/locations in search of the lil kid, and lastly... okay, can't think of one except the overall feel of it. Or maybe I'm looking at it too hard; the promo for the Final Fantasy movie played before it started (and it was the better trailer too!).

Before this whole event, I went to the Arts Factory for the big gallery event... well, the gallery show wasn't too eventful. I basically came, viewed other people's work (which was quite fun, but rather dull to write about). Along with the artwork, there were good snacks (except the tuna sushi... ech!) and a whole room was dedicated to the work of the two most prestigious artists in the school (well, till I get to senior year that is). I met up with a few friends from school, chatted, and bought a BT cd from the next door DJ shoppe.

Afterwards, right before the movie began, my family went out to eat at an oyster bar. There, mi hermana updated me on some of the current happenings of her life, and then got to the subject of Eric (yeah, him again). She talked about a conversation she had with him about Kevin, and his crush has now been upped to a "love" for him... Resembling the "love" I had for Eric, right? Anyways, the conversation then went to his preference for sexual dominance (not the masochistic type). I can't say any more of the conversation we had,since I am sworn to secrecy... sort of.

And then came the subject of what's happened between us. The situation is still really... uncomfortable. For instance, I'm walking through the small alley way between the gym and the cafeteria and he's walking the other way. We have eye contact for the slightest moment, then both our eyes wander else where. Goddamn, it's annoying me. Well, could be worse... he wanted to come watch the movie with us (and stay at least 50ft away from me at all times). Goddammit! If I am the slightest bit attractive as M and J say I am... why can't I get a decent guy? It's really annoying me.

Ugh... left my lab sheet for biology at home. 75pts down the drain right there. I hate the last quarter of the school year.

. . . . . posted:||1:21 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Oh, the quizzes, the quizzes:

Are you a sad/mad sci fi fan?: 20
You set the video for FarScape, you own Babylon 5 on DVD, you have the Space 1999 fansite in your "Favourites" folder, but you're not really in it for the sci fi, you just like watching alien totty prancing about in jumpsuits. Although this is perfectly acceptable behaviour for a fourteen-year-old, you might want to try weaning yourself onto someone more adult: Charlie Dimmock, say, or Jennie Bond, the BBC's court correspondent.

Are you crazy?: 276
Technically, you are a sociopath, also known as a balls-to-the-wall lunatic. You think you are God. You aren't. You should probably get off the streets.

Are you his bitch?: 120
How nice. How moderne. Nobody wears the pants. Or you both do. It is all equal in your household. No one bitch-slaps anyone. No one wears gold jewellery. No one calls anyone Daddy. Well, except your 2.4 kids. They call their dad Daddy. Because he is. Awwww, sweet!

Are you a lesbian?(heh, we all know this one): FAILED (sis got a 55)

The Great Big Sex Quiz:47%
Slightly less than middlesized sexy person. You're aware that there are other ways to have sex than the missionary position, but you can't quite work out how to do them. The Eighties heavy metal videos you see on MTV get you wondering about bondage, but you'd be scared to try it. You accidentally kissed your same-sex friend's face once, but you thought it tasted weird. You think vanilla sex means licking vanilla ice-cream off your partner's body, and you think this is the sexiest idea you've ever heard.

Well, that be it for now.

. . . . . posted:||3:05 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Damn, with all the rash of poetry lately... I've been feeling up to writing a bit... so here's what I have so far of an up and coming one:

November snowed along the the May born grove
white alabaster washed the ground
where dark guardians stood their roots
feather-downed flowers fell, white like lilies
tickling my face as they landed
my cheeks already pooled like bloomed rose

... and that's about it.

. . . . . posted:||1:00 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A remote blog of sorts from fellow classmate and Buffy enthusiast Wes, Obsess Much. Following the evil OpenDiary.com template, but the poems are rather decent... sometime.

. . . . . posted:||12:53 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"It's not that I don't recognize the absurdity of it all. I do, but I do it anyway." -Benjamin Morgan, director of "Meet Joe Gay"

Well, the cable modem is serving me well in the fact that I can finally watch the movies I wanna watch at AtomFilms.com. I currently finished watching two rather good films:

"The Boy Next Door" is about the sibling rivalry which ensues when a brother and sister fight for the affections of the new neighbor. Of course, the balance is ultimately gained when the new guy's girlfriend gives him major lipsmackings in front of the two waring sibs. My sis and I sat down and watched it together, and we swore never to bicker over any single guy... except for Johnsy, in which case we'd share.

"Trevor" is the next flick viewed. This one is a rather well known 18min short film (saw it for the first time on HBO) (which, now that I get premium as well, I can watch Queer as Folk) complete with an intro from the ever-present Ellen DeGeneres. This one is about 13 year old Trevor coming to terms with his sexuality... which escalates to a suicide attempt via Aspirin and two Donna White tickets from a male nurse named Jack. This film really struck a chord in me. Can't really explain it, but it's there.

The last movie today is "Meet Joe Gay," a variation of the reality TV idea, except this one's a startling intimate autobiographical documentary of the director's relationships... well, lack there of. This one's 25 minutes long, but damn is it good! Director and specimen-in-question Benjamin explores his own fantasies and insecurities in the search for why he doesn't have relationships. In the beginning of the film, there's a gay Cinderella-esque story unfolding as the poor washing boy gets whisked away by a prince charming onto the back of his proud steed... before promptly jumping on at the wrong angle and falling to the ground. The main topic of discussion throughout this film (specifically during the "gay sleepover" section) is the good old question: "Where is Prince Charming?" Why does it seem like he shies away from the gay community, and you have an even harder chance of starting a relationship, let alone a budding romance and then the experience of growing through your midlife crisis together... Why do all our romances seem so fleeting and transient? Is sex all a lot of us really think about, now that we don't have the burden of producing offspring and supporting them? And if so, where does it leave us, the dreamers who wish for that one overwhelming love which breaks all the boundaries of society, the love of movie theaters and shakespeare. We are left to fend for ourselves in a sea of others who seek nothing more than five minutes' comfort.

Even if this is the harsh reality, I will never give up on finding that one guy. And, once again agreeing with Ben, if I ever do give up this search, then I would have lost not only hope, but a sliver of what little I have left of childhood abandon and illusionment.

... apparently Blogger hasn't been posting my entries. Damn.

. . . . . posted:||12:50 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Yeah yeah, I know. I absolutely hate posting personal notes on my blog, but I do it mainly because I can't get myself to actually say it to the person intended. I'm also aware that I am not exactly on your good side right now (especially after acting like a complete bastard during lunch), but Seri, you need to understand something. Okay... Well, Ms. Miller's rather sincere about her student-teacher relationships. Just yesterday, with the joint help of Ms. Hoffy, we played a joke on Ms. Miller by hiding the whole class into Ms. Menuli's spare room.

... Dunno if that made any sense but.. The main thing is is that everyone feels comfortable with Ms. Miller. Hell, even I do. I sincerely believe that she cares a lot for all her students, especially our period (you should see her after a few of the other classes she has). So, when she says stuff to you, it's more or less what she feels.

Again, dunno what I'm going with this, but... Okay, don't know where the hell I'm going with this.

. . . . . posted:||8:22 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Damned blog isn't working... well, got cable modem. Say more later, but right now I'm pissed.

. . . . . posted:||3:41 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
alas, the advent of a newly donning era.... I got cable modem! Whoo hoo!!!

. . . . . posted:||3:02 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Ah! The first day of the lusty month of May!... figures that blogger isn't working right now. So, here's what was suppose to have been posted several hours back:

"Got this from Sarah today (yeah yeah, I'm following a trend).

I want...** sleep!... and a boyfriend. Whatever comes first.

I have..... ** a hokey cough and an extremely dry throat

I wish.....** for a lot more money

I crave...** a strawberry/banana sandwich

I regret...** too many things to list here

I love.....** french fries in chocolate malts... and boys :p

I hate.....** overly loud and whiny people

I miss..... ** sleep time!

I fear.....** collapsing from schoolwork

I see...... ** "bad things arising"... song from JCSS... yeah, shutting up.

I hear.....** Hepburn singing "I Quit"

I search..** HotorNot.com for F.A.

I wonder...** why I didn't start watching That 70's Show sooner

I know...** that birds flight using Bernolli's principle

Fun... at least the blood's stopped now. Just that I still need to take some antibiotics for whatever.

Watching Buffy right now... and crying from Willow's speech! Wahhh!! and they were so cute together! ;_;"

. . . . . posted:||11:01 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Got this from Sarah today (yeah yeah, I'm following a trend).

I want...** sleep!... and a boyfriend. Whatever comes first.

I have..... ** a hokey cough and an extremely dry throat

I wish.....** for a lot more money

I crave...** a strawberry/banana sandwich

I regret...** too many things to list here

I love.....** french fries in chocolate malts... and boys :p

I hate.....** overly loud and whiny people

I miss..... ** sleep time!

I fear.....** collapsing from schoolwork

I see...... ** "bad things arising"... song from JCSS... yeah, shutting up.

I hear.....** Hepburn singing "I Quit"

I search..** HotorNot.com for F.A.

I wonder...** why I didn't start watching That 70's Show sooner

I know...** that birds flight using Bernolli's principle

Fun... at least the blood's stopped now. Just that I still need to take some antibiotics for whatever.

Watching Buffy right now... and crying from Willow's speech! Wahhh!! and they were so cute together! ;_;

. . . . . posted:||8:46 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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