The Day of New Year's Eve, 2000
It nears mid-day the day before the true millenium starts. The champagne bottles will be opened, and hopefully no one will get hurt by flying cork bottles. Countless shots will be poured tonight, and people will get drunk and do things they don't want to remember doing. People will wear funny paper and plastic hats littered with glitter, and music will be played non-stop till the last verse of Auld Lan Syne. At the stroke of midnight, fireworks and party poppers will explode, and someone will marvel at that small work of a miracle.

Then there are those who have no plans for New Years. This year will pass as quietly as the last as they sit infront of the tv this year and watch everyone else steal the fun they could have had. They'll just eat cold turkey or something barely edible, and grumble about how the world is hopeless and such.

So, make sure this year is a good one. The turn of a millenium only happens to us mortals once in our lifetime, and that time should be spent with family and friends. No matter what your plans, be thankful you have any, and ignore all the troubles in your life for one day. Afterall, tomorrow is when all resolutions begin.

Have a happy New Years, everyone.

. . . . . posted:||11:08 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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... stupid blogger. The bimini font isn't working right now and it's pissing me off. -_- Rica! Can I send you the html's now?

. . . . . posted:||5:01 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gasp! Where did the blue go! Well, me is gonna tell you ::audience twitches:: This is phase one in moving my blog to my friend Serika's server. I'm just using this layout to test something on my page... the layout will be coming soon... just ask Mia and Serika about it If they approve, then it must be good. So, just sit tight, and wait a bit.

. . . . . posted:||3:50 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Had to clean house today. ( : \ ) Been cleaning since 8:00 am and I'm not even completely done. My mom's giving me a short break before I have to go back and dust the living room. It's just my luck that I am born into a family where not only the mother is and obsessive compulsive cleaner, but my sister and my two grandmothers are as well. At any given moment you peak into a cabinet anywhere in the house, and you'll discover (atleast) 2 cans of Lysol, some Pinesol spray, this "Orange" stuff that takes stains off everything, Windex, and other cleaning paraphanalia. I'm surprised that I'm not getting constant headaches due to all the chemical action.

Then again, we've been cleaning almost 24/7 in this house in preparation for visitors... and I've been getting headaches constantly as well.... I think I've found the source of my troubles. (-_-)

. . . . . posted:||3:28 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Bullet Proof is another blog I've recently discovered and it's pretty entertaining. Anyways, everything feels surreal right now. First of, I've just woken up after falling asleep from the heat in my room. When I woke up, the candle I forgot to put off used up half it's wax so that's some burning time goes down the drain. It was still baking temperature in my room, although it's pitch black outside at 5:45pm.... in the middle of the afternoon... so I throw on a loose, thin t-shirt and I walk out the door wearing only that and boxers... and the rest of the house is freezing. So I jump back into my room and now I'm wearing some sweats and a turtleneck... The collar thingy for the turtle neck is suffocating me. And along with that, I still have that euphoria/groggy/dizzy feeling you get after waking up from some sleep. Too bad I didn't wake up without that feeling; then I would've at least had the comfort of knowing I had a good nap.

...I noticed something while I've been surfing other blogs. I write too much for my entree's ^_^;;... Okay, that's all (what? you thought I was gonna cut back on what I write? ha! fat chance, buddy!).

. . . . . posted:||5:53 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
... I have an urging for filipino food. That's weird, because due to the vast amount of food my grandma cooks, I've grown sick of it. Right now I'm in a discussion with Mia about what types of filipino food we like and don't like. The list goes as follows:
-leche flan (milk custard that's really sweet)
-pandesal (a pastry of sorts)
-chicken/pork/beef adobo (cooking meat using bay leaves and such)
-pansit palabo (like chow mein but better)
-bibinka (kind of pasty dessert that you put coconut flakes on)
-sinigang (meat 'n potatoes stewed in a radish sauce?)
-lumpia shang hai (meat eggroll)
-ube anything (it's purple yam flavored stuff)
-lychee nuts (usually in jellie form)
-dinaguan/chocolate meat (meat in blood sauce... ick!)
-kare kare/ peanut soup (stew using peanut butter)
... I think that's about it. Waaaah!!! Now I feel really hungry but all we have in the fridge is diaguan and kare kare (-_-);;.... time to fix myself some eats.

. . . . . posted:||12:24 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
::yawns:: Good morrow, you people. It seems that today I have broken free from the daily cycle and am now working on my blog in the morning! The new layout is looking pretty good, and it's coming along great... but I can't decide which one to use ^_^;;. Also, my AOL browser (and IE too, sometimes) have this really weird habit of enlarging the text in a web page. So everytime I view my blog layout, it looks kinda like... crap ( :\ ). Not to mention that I've been trying to download a trial version of this html editor because I seem to have outgrown my AOLPress... unfortunately, with my long history of download troubles... the stupid file won't install completely. At about 79%, it says [internal error] and now I have to redownload it.

I think I figured out why every time I look at the monitors my eyes feel like jumping out of their eye sockets. I have the setting too bright. That can be easily remedied ::turns down screen light:: but now the sun reflecting off the white house across the street is still giving my eyes hell. I can't just close the shades, otherwise the monitor'll hurt my eyes again being the only source of light in the room.

...That squeeze wrench on tv looks like fun.

. . . . . posted:||9:36 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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sparkLing watEr is my friend Mia's blog. I'll be moving my blog to Serika's server after I get the new layout done. The title will be changed into "Outlines: simplicity without detail". All the graphics will be my own drawings now that the scanner is working, and I'll finally get rid of that damn banner overhead. I don't think I'll archive my blogs, though. I don't want to fill up Serika's server with all my ramblings.

But anyway, I met the most fascinating individual online today. At the behest of my friend Alex, I talked with Suzi. She's almost like the female version of me; she writes magnificant poetry which I'll post here if I ever get her to agree to it. She's into musicals almost as much as I am, and her relationship with her sibs parallels mine. She's introverted yet isn't a recluse. We have the same appreciation for the arts and literature. It's eerie, but it's true. My chance meeting with her has rekindled my idea that there are people online who actually worth talking to.

All this talk now leads me to one thing. There's a hidden power to music heard. I can be captivated by a swinging bossa nova beat and terrified completely by a concerto by Bach. It's as if my body resonates to the music and interperets it in words undescribable.
But enough of my rants. The time for Morpheus to come is nearing and I best be off the bed.

. . . . . posted:||10:35 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sniff... this episode of the RealWorld: Boston is so sad! Genesis is stelling her story about her childhood, which I won't type up here. Watching that episode made me rethink exactly how lucky I am that I have a roof over my head, food in the fridge, my artistic talent, and a family with minimal problems. Not to mention a computer where I can surf the web. (^_^)

Speaking of which, a new layout for this page is in the works, focusing on some of my drawings which I have done. Hopefully I'll be able to either integrate the color scheme with that stupid banner on the top ::glares at it::, get someone besides Serika to host my blog, or get my own domain. Seeing how my parents are completely paranoid to buying anything online (although the risks are the same compared to buyign something in the mall with a card) I'll have to find someone to host me. Oh well... I can't wait till I get a job and have my own card. That way only I will get in trouble if anything happens. Oh, and Mia, seeing how AIM isn't working again and I don't know your email, send me the link to your blog, please? onegai?

That's all I have to say

. . . . . posted:||7:38 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I think I percieve a pattern my life has turned out recently. First, I sleep till 9-10 in the morning and lounge around my room baking as the sun lets it's light directly into my room and onto me. I play the ps2 I rented for an hour or so before checking on the computer, to find the door locked again. So, I go downstairs and make myself breakfast. Afterwards, it's pretty much free time. Occasionally the door opens at 11am and then I have an hour or so on the computer. Come lunchtime, however, I'm booted out of the room so I go downstairs to work on some drawings which I've more or less ignored since winter break started. After my dad goes back to work at about 3-ish, the computer is mine.. although at that time I'm preoccupied (or sleeping, as in the case of today) and I don't get on the computer till just about now.

Currently watching the people from RealWorld: Boston jetskiing. I didn't really like the guys in that season. Danny from New Orleans, on the other hand... All I gotta say is damn Paul cause he got a fine catch. But I do have my suspicions that Paul is filipino, those of which I shant discuss in this forum. Not that they're too controvertial, just that I don't want to exclude all the people out there who don't know how life as a filipino is. (-_-)

Smashing pumpkins cd is still skipping although I cleaned it today. I guess I'll just put on some Matchbox 20 and let that soothe my nerves. Now you find me sitting here with a small plate of peanut butter fudge, some hot cocoa again, and listening to Rob Thomas. For now, life is good.

. . . . . posted:||5:32 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Well, most of the family's gone to shop so now I stuck here with the grandma.I just finished spraying some drawings with workable fixative (read: hair spray) so they won't smear so bad. But now the room smells like Pantene hairspray... And on a side note, I forgot to thank Mia for looking at my blog after I put up this design. Thankies Mia ^_^. Hope your blog goes well too!

. . . . . posted:||12:14 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Well, it's official. I have a headache worthy of the term hangover despite the fact that I haven't had a drink since the xmas eve party I went to. I guess hot cocoa and a tuna melt sandwhich doesn't mesh well together (-_-). I've been trying to download this music file off of the animenow! webpage, but my comp keeps restarting when it's about 89%. My Smashing Pumpkins CD is skipping like a school girl and it's annoying the hell out of me. I can't get this damn blog to look like I want it to (after viewing all the other awesomely designed blogs linked to Serika's blog). And the whip cream on top of all this is my grandmother, annoying me to no end asking me this and that when she's quite oblivious to the fact that my frustration's peaking. She doesn't even know what's an eisel. A complete FOB pilipina, if you ask me.
Arrgh... I should start wearing my glasses again. Staring at this screen isn't helping at all. Maybe the parental units are right, I am getting tunnel vision (@_@)... The only thing that's giving me peace is this module of Jupiter and it's 4 main moons ( you know, the one that swings side to side while two pairs of balls attached to the side rotate on separate axis's). The near mechanical movement is soothing compared to the hellish, disorganized life I'm in.... and the thing decides to stop moving.

. . . . . posted:||11:55 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Having the compie in the parental unit's room can be quite a hassel. -_- I wanted to get an early start on my webpage, so I woke up at about 8:00 am and, when mi mama is usually up already, the door was still locked! Well, at least pop went to work already, or else I'd hate to think what those two might be doing @_@. So, anyway, I just start eating this relatively large lunch when my mom finally comes downstairs. At this point I'm thinking "finally I can get on!".. but I have to finish my bbq pork. (-_-);;...so, no sooner than I finish my plate, dad comes home from work (or golf, since it is winterbreak) and immediately goes upstairs after grumbling a few words and such and such. Thus, the door to the compie is locked yet again. I decide that I need to start working on this novel that I've had in my head for a while, so I start planning out exactly what I wanted to happen and such and such. 4 hours pass by, and my grandma wakes up pop so that he can drive her to visit Auntie Suesing in the hospital. Seeing how my dad would just come home afterwards, I holed up inside my room playing some Tekken Tag and flipping through some pics in my recently burned porno pic cd, full of goodies and piccies and such and such (see? I do have a large libido). After a bit, I got bored and seeing that I didn't want to work on my novel for a bit, I read some more of Dante's Inferno. Get past the sometimes exhausting poetic prose, the stories so damn interesting. ^_^ Then I got bored of that again (low attention span, everyone?) so I got my sketchbook and drew a close up of a nipple getting licked (Serika'll get to see it at school heh heh heh....) Several hours after the father doesn't come home, I check in to see if he's here or not. And he isn't (yay!) and hasn't been for the past hour (boo!). If the pic didn't turn out as great as I wanted it to be, then there would have been time wasted. And thus, after conquering the task of "logging onto AOL" I'm here, typing this thing up.

Damn... this is what happens when I read a lot before blogging (-_-);;

. . . . . posted:||5:37 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Feliz Navidad, minna-san! ::audience groans from the mixture of japanese and spanish:: Eh heh ^_^;;... As for presents, I got some really good ones, actually. One was a magic 8ball (which I needed cause the otherone's wrecked) which had $40 in the box ^_^. Thank you tito! I also got... cash, clothes, cash, clothes, and yes, cash and clothes. As a gag gift, my cousin gave me a hideous Sailormoon alarm clock. Not that I hate the show, mind you, just that it's REALLY ugly. Oh well... at least I can twirl her ponytails around and around! ^_^
The party was really cool, as opposed to some of the other years. But that might just be me have a few shots talking. ^_^ I'm just thankful that I didn't get so drunk that I decided to sing karaoke (like my other uncles -_-;;). A group of the younger generation (including myself) decided to go upstairs after that fiasco...Anyways, it's christmas day, so now I have to leave for a christmas day luncheon. See you on the flip side, mi pilipinos and pinas!

. . . . . posted:||12:29 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Okay, one more post before I have to leave for the party. As of right now, I'm wearing this maroon, long sleeved oxford with a stuffy black vest and black performance pants... you know, the ones worn by guys in highschool choirs -_-. I even have to wear this ugly ass black socks which have no tract so I almost spilt my head open on the bathroom tiles. But anyways...
I was over at Hiroshi's Night Club Mix, who, if you're reading this, is a real cutey ^_~. Don't worry there, Nick. You're not the only one with raging hormones. Thanks to my scorpio sub-sign, I have a libido the size of the Titanic. Give me a few shots and it becomes the iceberg that sank the Titanic. Okay, that's enough for now. See you when I get back with my wonderful presents!.... which will probably be cash and clothes -_-.

. . . . . posted:||4:29 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Merry Christmas, all you christians out there! I'm not sure when chanuka(sp) starts and kwanza's not until tuesday... anyway. I just asked Chris if I can link his blog to mine, hope he says yes. His blog is so cool! And the fact that he's into computer stuff is cool too. I have a christmas party to attend to day... and I have to perform to recieve my presents. Well, we'll see how taht turns out. My blog looks shitty, doesn't it?

. . . . . posted:||3:31 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Season's greetings you few who read this! (which will be me and my other three selves) Well, I've managed to figure out a design I kinda sorta like... WAAAH ! I need to learn javascript so my blog can look as good as Serika-chan's. Sigh... but what can you do? What with all the images not working and I still have to do the other pages and stuff -_-... hopefully I can get up all the images and pages but this tuesday... eh, we'll just have to wait and see.

(p.s. kudos to Mai-san for checking out my blog for me ^_^)

. . . . . posted:||11:54 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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let's see if this one works...

. . . . . posted:||12:47 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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ech... I absolutely hate this layout but until I stop being so dyslexic and actually learn how to use the Blogscript, this is what the page will look like. Sorry.

. . . . . posted:||5:50 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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