Computer... slowwwww!!!! Dammit! Seri! I blame it on you! ...::deep breath:: Okay, I'm calm. Just to let you know the video's ready, it's 6MB and my buddylist is failing me again... argh. Major argh.

In other news, Joy married Sal today and I was there to see. Funny thing about being catholic (well, supposedly catholic anyways) is that a five-minute wedding ceremony is hard to fathom. Regardless, the ceremony was charming. The weather was perfect, and from where I stood (holding the digi-cam so my other aunt could get the event taped by the best camera man in the family) shaded by the tree next to me, I had a perfect shot of the bride and groom. Sad thing is, the waterfall behind completely obliterated whatever the minister said, or of those getting married for that matter. But, my near vicinity to water meant a look at the life guard at the pool. Nice.

Literally five minutes later, everyone was ushered to the reception hall, located on the second level of the casino. While walking to the appointed place, we caught glimpses of people marching outside holding picket signs saying "Save Our Schools!" They're supporting a campaign by the mayor to help the shoddy state of Las Vegas' schools. But enough of that. So, I finally sit down at the table I was assigned to, to find out that I was sandwiched between the two cousins of mine which annoy me the most. A simple swapping of name tags cleared that mishap-waiting-to-happen up. As the occasion carried on, the whole affair became sadder and sadder. First off, the wedding singer was an annoying old woman who couldn't control the extreme vibrato in her throat, and the keyboardist chose all the wrong songs (a song about letting someone you love go was played quite frequently). Also, no one wanted to dance. Half of the guests even had the gaul to leave before the first dance. Mid-way through they called over this woman to help the party go along, and she seemed rather disinterested... or resentful that she's still single. Regardless, she was being rather sour. So, the first dance finally occurs, and Sal and Joy dance slowly, mesmerizing the crowd... till the balloons were released from the ceiling. Then, the 20+ lil kids came rushing onto the dance floor and proceeded to collect the balloons, all the while managing to ruin the romantic mood. In fact, I doubt any part of that day was rather romantic. Argh. And then they charged $2 per refill of soda... double argh.

I really pity Sal and Joy. It wasn't the best wedding, really.

So, when the question of whether I wanted to attend the party in their honor later that night, I gracefully declined, and went home. Thus, I'm sitting here, blogging.

Seriouslly not looking forward to singing tomorrow. Someone help me. I hate my mafia-esque family.

. . . . . posted:||9:12 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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ah... a few rounds of Hot or Not can cure any bout of depression I have. ^_^

And in the long search to keep amused, check out the quizes at Straightacting.com. Funny as hell. Level 4 in straight acting here... coincides with my 54% gay rating in that other test I took... whose name eludes me for the moment.

It seems that my post of march 27th has been making a few waves. First, Paul wrote a bit about it, and a few minutes ago, Leah told me how she cried when she read it... Wow. That's all I can say. Nothing I've written thus far has had such an impact. I guess writing from life really can be effective.

Extended Play on MTV is playing right now. The videos are from MTV2 (which I get with fuzzy reception). It's rather refreshing to see new videos, especially those which have animation in them. In fact... the character designer and author of the Galaxy Express 999 manga made a video with blue-skinned people... hm. Interesting, but nothing to write home about.

Spent a few minutes typing up poems long in need of digital archiving... and I need to transcribe the rehearsal video of Seri's so she can upload it to her site... ack. How long has it been since she's blogged?!

... still on a sugar high, can't you tell?

. . . . . posted:||10:14 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The day that Blogger stood still, huh?

Wedding's tomorrow. I still have nothing to wear, though I take the fact that a maroon oxford shirt appeared in my closet this morning as an indicator to what I should be wearing. Well, 9:00am at the largest church in town is the time, and the reception party happens immediately afterwards. This would be a welcome event save a few things: I need homework-time to finish my sphere paintings, I don't feel like going out tomorrow, I was bumped down from adult to child and therefore have a smaller menu for the reception, I don't even remember who is getting married so I don't know how happy I should be, only 3 of my 10 cousins who I respect will attend, 20 of the 20 cousins I hate will be attending, I need to call Lailani sometime this weekend, and I need to drop off library books. Sunday I have to sing in church (again) and I completely forgot my harmony part.

On a brighter side, piano lessons when great. I'm halfway through Gershwin's Prelude 1 and am starting the MapleLeaf Rag and Moonlight Sonata. All of these being far more challenging pieces than I've ever previously done. I'm so excited! Now if only I could find the time to practice...

... and another minus, because of piano lessons I missed the practice reception meaning I missed out on good food tonight! Woe is me... but to compensate my dad ordered some PizzaHut Stuffed Crust Pizza... mushrooms only, it being Lent and meat abstinance and such... Tradition sucks sometimes...

My sis got me sick when she "accidently" coughed on me four times on the drive home. Funny thing is, now that she's sick her voice has dropped low and has become rather raspy... and thus she sounds like Eric.

Photography contest is currently being held. I should enter, but I don't think my photography is good enough for that calibre of a competition. Sigh... oh well.

I've been drawing on loose sheets of paper lately. staying up till 3am with a pot of coffee, a couple blank sheets, and my stereo playing Cibo Matto all night long... not necessarily healthy but I was able to draw some pretty cool stuff. I'll sleep when I'm dead, goddammit! ^_^

This hyperpost was brought to you by a pitcher of Tang. 10% mix, 30% water, 70% sugar. ^_^ ... yeah, I know it's 110%.

. . . . . posted:||9:42 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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And as the curtain closes from the final bow, and the stage lights dim as the house lights emerge, I sit back and think "wow. Pucini could really write an opera." Then, I get off the couch and place the dirty dishes into the sink. Yeah, so I'm an opera arsitocrat whose main experiences with opera are infront of his TV watching PBS. Ahem.. but bach to the opera.

La Boheme was on, and that is a rather painful opera to watch. In the beginning, a group of friends gather and make a little bit of paradise together in a small apartment. In the very last scene, the painter of the group has covered the yellow and orange hues of the wall's mural with cream white, and the poet sits on the roof tearing apart his writing. Yes, Bohemian is dead ladies and gentlemen. No matter how much we want it to be, no one regards pure artistic and aesthetic lifestyles as plausible. Sure, a life lived in good taste and fashion is elegant and attractive, but by no means is it Bohemia. That sort of utopia needs the irreverence of money and politics, which are inseparable in modern times. Perhaps, the Bohemia we can create today is that of the world of the digital. Afterall, I'm by no means making any money out of this website. Regardless, I plan to strive for the Bohemia of old as long as my youthful vigor will carry me.

... Choir practice was boring. Very boring.

. . . . . posted:||10:10 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Today seems like one large haze. I can't remember any specifics of what has happened today, but I just know that they've happened. Yes, I'm being vague. I can't quite describe it, though...

My project partner in Geometry was rather distraught this morning. Her dog had died the night before. What makes it worse for her is that her last words to the dog were "Go lie down somewhere and don't disturb me again!" Of course, the dog did, and never did seem to wake up. She told me why she had a rather large bandage on her left hand, and her explanation was rather disturbing. She used that hand to swap at her dog, and now it "reaked of death." The razor-blade cut to her hand was suppose to symbolize her cutting off that hand which, no matter how hot the water or how many times she washed it, still had that particular scent. After that story was told, Sarah-who-sits-behind-us said "Dude, you're strange." What I'm wondering is, can someone really get so attached to a pet? I've never had one, so perhaps I couldn't understand her feelings... I guess it's just my general apathy. I've only met with something which I would mourn if he died, and even then that feeling has subsided over time. And I regard my parents with a sense of unappreciation... or what it seems to be often.

I yelled at my grandmother yesterday when she was being quite stubborn and started generalizing about people again. Initially, I just wanted the bitch to get out of my hair, but now that I've had time to reflect... I feel really guilty. But, no one apologizes in my family. That's how it works. And who am I to change that tacit law now?

I'm beginning to hate the days when I have my even period classes. Ceramics no longer holds the joy it did, what with everyone lacking in energy lately. I've also realized that I can't translate my expressions into clay as I could have done with just drawing or painting. Perhaps I should make some sort of architectural design which I can devote my time to. I need to distance myself from those who would chain me down.

Just finished unzipping the 20+ jpop videos I programmed to be downloaded last night. I'm officially a reborn fan of the Kinki Kids. Those guys are hot! ^_^;;

... Bad thing about reading the blog of a writer, when you ignore it for a couple of days, they post rather long entries which you feel like reading later. Blech.

I so do not feel like going to choir practice today. Sadly, I have a sort of a solo (again) so I have to. Damn.

. . . . . posted:||3:22 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Paul, thanks again. I'm feeling much better now. Really, I am. Just been getting over old memories lately, and it's been a bit hard. But, I'm fine now. ^_^

. . . . . posted:||3:37 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The more I read the previous entries to Boy-ashamed, the more I begin to realize the similarities I share with this person. In the entry aforementionally linked, he talks of his dream guy, and how this person would act. All the little qualms and unusual quirks which would enamore him into his heart. A bit sad at times, but mainly of good moments. Yes, I think like that too.

I'm perhaps queer in how I fantasize about others. None of my fantasies are sexual in anyway. When I do day dream as such, I always imagine the boy in question and I in different situations. At night, I'd place him infront of me on the bed, and I would have my hands wrapped around his waist and press my body completely against his back. Then, my voice, ever so softly, would sing him "Yellow" or "Funny Valentine" or someother sappy love song to lull him to sleep. Sometimes, we wouldn't sleep at all. His head would lay and make a pillow of my chest and we would just lie there, watching the stars and the bright full moon as the radio softly played on. And he would feel warm against me.

Sometimes, he's working at his desk. I would sneak up to him, wrap my arms around his shoulders, all the while feeling his body through the fabric of his shirt, and nibble lightly on his ear. He'd sigh, lean backwards against me, and whisper a thank you before returning to his all too important project.

And then, sometimes we would be sitting in a 5 and Diner or some other 50's restaurant and sit across from eachother. My hand would reach for his under the table, and my thumb caressed the top of his hand. Completely lost in eachother, we wouldn't notice the waiter standing, rather uncomfortably, infront of our table and would ask us what we wanted to eat. French fries and a chocolate malt, please. And the same dear petting would continue until our order arrived. We'd sit there for almost an hour, feeding eachother fried potat slivers dipped in chocolate malt... wait, I did do that once.

... I just realized how explicitly I described those weird fantasies of mine. I apologize, but I have no intention of deleting them.

Another thing I've also found in common... we both can fall in love within a second of seeing someone. In a much much earlier post, he talks about seeing this guy in the place where he usually buys his cigs, and regaliates how cute he was and how, in that instant, he became infatuated. Similar situation almost a year ago now, when I was at the mall with my family. I ran into him several times, and talked to him for only a minute or two, but he was beautiful.

The fallen angel, I dubbed him, because he seemed as if he had fallen from above. But, not in the excessively puppy-dog cute sense, or the extremely gay sense. No, this was a subtle, seductive attractiong I felt towards him. I bumped into him early upon entering the mall, and I gasped when I did, for he was beautiful. I apologized, and he said no need. We parted ways. I had to wait for my sis to get back from the restroom, so I sat down on a bench. That same boy walked back and forth from a watch store to a cigar shop. After about 10 repititions, he noticed me sitting there, and game me a nod and quite the adoring smile. Later, I was walking through an art gallery located within the mall, and I stopped infront of a painting that really caught my attention. And, as luck would have it, he walked up behind me, and stood by my side. After a few moments of admiring the canvas infront of me, I noticed he was there, and I got flustered. He asked me what I found so intriguing about that particular piece, and I mumbled something about the use of symbolism... ironic that it was an abstract painting. I must have looked like an idiot. But, he didn't acknowledge my stupidity, and just smiled and nodded. That's when my mom called for me, and with a quiet bye we parted ways again.

... in a way, Boy-Ashamed is lucky. He can see that particular boy again, that is if he's still interested. I, on the other hand....

. . . . . posted:||3:33 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Mondays... suck. Reminds me of the song "Why Do I Hate Mondays?" which was inspired by a woman with a shotgun. While she shot at school children going to school, the police asked why she was doing this. Her reply: "Tell me why do I hate mondays?" Weird. Verily.

Oscars were... disappointing. 'Nuff said.

Today's assigned homework goes as follows: three worksheets and 8 questions answered in paragraphs for biology, a 12+ package of busywork for japanese, the main outline for our up and coming art project, the usual 20 problems for math along with the advertising project due in a week. Sigh... too much work.

And I feel so small right now. Today, my art teacher had all the pieces she was putting in the gallery out for display, and I was shocked. The other first year art class had far more talent than my class did. I absolutely loved almost all of those paints, while at the same time wishing to strangle the artists. But, no, I will not start to better myself like Liz did. She kept on saying that her creative expenditures were used not all in art, but also in poetry and debate. That's really no excuse, since creativity has no bar measure which can be lowered... then again, it's not so much the creativity that I'm upset about, but the general higher quality of execution. Damn.

... and I feel even smaller now. What is my problems compared to those of others surrounding me? Lailani is ruminating over her inability to get over a certain crush, and it's seriously affecting her performance. Bill has been wondering about her own convictions about her choice in life and her choice to enter graduate school. Paul has been asking that for a while, and his latest cryptic posts have been at times frightening. Lastly, the owner of boy-ashamed came out to his parents, with disasterous outcomes. I'm... suddenly discouraged to come out to my own parents. Ugh, I think I'm experiencing discipline problems.

Please, some one hit me till I'm blue and red and the puss oozes from my tender flesh. I need to feel that something is real.

. . . . . posted:||10:09 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Damn, looks like J.C. is everyone's NSync soulmate... Take the test and see what pops up.

. . . . . posted:||4:32 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
... Just realized that I've been calling Bird "Soul" for the past few posts. Gomen nasai, Bird-san!... Anyways, just downloaded all the music off of her Mindtravel cd, and may I say that I can die happy now. This cd is so awesome! My comparison of her with Macy Gray was far off, she's so much better than her! Her piano pieces near the end of the album are my particular favorites. The notes played were reminicent of a Spanish Guitar, and are the perfect mellow-down tunes I need to listen for a bit. Her funk style echoes very much from the 70's but still maintain's a more "modern" feel. Good stuff~!

My new painting is coming together quite well. I've decided to use a complementary family of colors (mainly red and green) instead of the rather boring black and white... But I need to get better oil paints! The ones my grandma bought for me are the cheap-o type, and they dry far too quickly and have a lackluster appearance when they dry. Maybe I should have used acrylic afterall...

And in other news, I've decided what to do with my favorite poems. I've recently been taking photographs I have taken (with an exception of one so far) and superimposing them onto the picture. Needless to say, they've turned out quite well. So, till I implement them in the next layout redesign, here are two of the ten I've done thus far: Oblivious , Sacchrine Valentine

... Just let Alyx look at both of them. Apparently he doesn't want to read or view such material. And it's his right, I guess. I just don't see him in the same, open-minded sense as I did before he commented. Oh well... the truth was bound to show itself sometime.

... Ever tried eating Jello out of it's plastic cup without using an utensils? It's along the same lines of unwrapping Starbursts in your mouth... quite interesting. Course, when I did it it made a terrible mess.

. . . . . posted:||3:58 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Wow. Soul's "Sakura" is pretty damn good. In fact, all her music which I've heard is pretty damn good... dammit, must get her cd... or download all the songs.... probably the latter choice.

... wrote my first angst-esque poems in quite a while. In keeping with my distaste for poems about teen-angst, this one is strictly S&M. Although I don't want this to happen to me (whips and chains are a bit of a turn off, but biting's fine) it's fun to pretend. Right, Mr. Johnsy?

. . . . . posted:||10:54 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wow. Soul's "Sakura" is pretty damn good. In fact, all her music which I've heard is pretty damn good... dammit, must get her cd... or download all the songs.... probably the latter choice.

... wrote my first angst-esque poems in quite a while. In keeping with my distaste for poems about teen-angst, this one is strictly S&M. Although I don't want this to happen to me (whips and chains are a bit of a turn off, but biting's fine) it's fun to pretend. Right, Mr. Johnsy?

. . . . . posted:||10:53 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Oh, wow. Searching through different cliques/webrings can turn up some amazing shit. Sean, owner of the sorry girls, I'm gay clique, has some amazing poetry. I read them out loud and... can't describe it. The experience was amazing. Go there now!

With that said, I think I'm getting a new idea. I want to record myself reading my own poetry... what to do afterwards, I do not know. Still, poetry read out loud is so much more rich, so much more beautiful that what is written on paper. This all ties into my preference for oral poetry.

And in other news, new painting started, and I'm debating whether to color it or keep it black and white. I've recently come back from a "night" on the town, which involved two drinks from Starbucks and several dozen packets of sugar, heheheh. Afterwards, we went outside to watch the light show atop Fremont St. I still had to take a few pictures for the Las Vegas deck art project, so I took the following for the Jack of Clubs: a man cleaning the sidewalk, a statue of a baseballer ontop of the Las Vegas Club casino, a mime juggling bowling pins, a statue of a milkman, and a guy in a cloud costume.... no, not FF7 Cloud, but an actual, fluffy pink cloud. Oh, the tackiness of this town. Sometimes, I absolutely love it... but then nearly everything else lacks class.

... and dammit! I need to drink more mocha valencia!

. . . . . posted:||10:17 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Just learned why Seri seems like she's been avoiding school for the past couple of days... Mainly that the people we hang out with at lunch have started to seriously annoy her. So, lately she's been migrating to quiet, peaceful places. I can't blame her, really. Those people can be one hell of an annoyance... more so when they're all in a pissy mood as opposed to an overtly boisterious mood. Anyways, this reminded me of how I never go off on my own for peace and quiet anymore. Perhaps that's what I should do during school to cool off a bit. Afterall, stress can be quite a bitch. Hm... guess the question now is where would I go to just relax?

Discussion in Health class today was on the topic of Marlow's Heiarchy of Needs. According to Marlow's theory, physical needs such as food, water, shelter, and security must be met before all other needs do. Afterwards, the need for recognition and the need to love and be loved. Then comes the aesthetic needs, followed then by self-assurance. Of course, it seems like a good way to organize all these human needs, but by no means does it apply to all situations. Sure, at the barest consciousness we follow that order, in that if one need is not satisfied, all those after it can never be. But, when the person becomes more complex, has their own ideas about the world, you can shuffel around those needs a bit. Take, for instance, I can forsake sleep, meals, even social interaction to finish a picture forever juxtaposed on my brain like a broken slide project which just doesn't want to turn off. Perhaps, that's what it means to overcome human instinct. Instinct tells us to prioritize by what the body needs, but we are able to transcend that mind set and prioritize for ourself what we need first and foremost. Exactly the same reason why I like the idea of evolution so much; with evolution we can change to be more that what we are already. Not so much to the point of being gods, mind you, but to change to maybe be more insightful and less destructive...

Which reminds me. I was watching I Shot Andy Warhol today on Bravo. The movie was absolutely brilliant. It showed the ruminations of Valerie, the woman who shot Warhol when she conjectured that he had stolen her "S.C.U.M. Manifesto" from her. Ironic, that several years after she's been dead (and died in a home-less shelter no less) her manifesto has become a classical feminist piece. A starving artist who doesn't want to become famous until post-mortum... as much as I appreciate a romantic dream, I don't want that.

The more I listen to Alanis Morisette, the more her music reminds me of my current state of thinking. I absolutely love her song "Forgiven" right now... the deep bass in the beginning is the rain which falls infront of the gravel steps on the catholic church in question. I envision her singing in an empty church and the surrounding areas (cemetary, catholic school, orchid grove) with the camera slightly out of focus and the black and white film almost blue and purple. God... I so want to make a video for this song.

Speaking of which, Seri-chan's also having a lot of frustration figuring out what her religious beliefs are. Mine own are very vague, even to me. Originally, I did buy into the whole strict catholisism, till I found out that they were against me. I began breaking free from those strong chains, leaving the metal fixtures on the wall my only foundation for the new set of beliefs I have bought for myself. Yes, there is a god, whether he be Buddha, Odin, Zeus, all those other archaeic gods, or a mere focal point for the wills of the human whole. Incarnation does exist, I believe. We have second chances which, although it maybe nice after our first lifetime, it can be a cursed existance for all eternity. Still... I have pushed all thoughts of religion from my mind for some time, focusing instead on art and sensuality; a search for the zenith of the aesthetic. Then I remember reading a chapter in an art book I borrowed once, saying how the painting of one or two squares of color was colinear to a religious experience. Yes, art can, and is, religion.

No piano lessons today, so I can more or less relax as my uncle brings the family over for a crab dinner tonight. However, as a custom in my family, I refuse to play the piano for their enjoyment, since I can only play so little.

Well, just found out why Paul hasn't been online lately. Pity, I really wanted to talk to him about stuff... I guess it's time to write some rather long over-due emails.

. . . . . posted:||5:19 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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ILacking in Emotional Content. I've fallen in love with it again.

. . . . . posted:||6:59 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Argh... stupid Blogger just deleted my post I was writting...

Anyways, I have found another blog to read and eat away at my daily time scheduel: In The Closet Boy (via pylduck). Just the ramblings of a guy living in Ontario who still hasn't come out to his parents and complains about never getting a boyfriend. (sounds familiar, neh?) (... and NO, I was not talking about myself just now! >.<)

And from that blog I was referred to another: My Journal-Just Another Guy In The Closet. Although it's not exactly the best page design in the world, the guy lives in Vegas (+1), is 16, likes Sailormoon, Tenchi, and anime in general (+2), favorite food being hot chicken fingers (+3), likes the song "What's My Age Again?" (+4), drinks OJ/ Slice (+5), and likes watching Undressed (+6). Intriguing thing is, he has Japanese in first period... Hmm, wonder if he goes to my school. That'd be surreal, seeing how there are two other bloggers there that I know of.

Mia's new page, Playtime!, is so pretty! The picture of Sakura to the side is absolutely gorgeous, and stuff and stuff. But, it's a bit late for St. P's day, huh?

Current favorite from the Alanis Morisette CD I'm listening too... "Perfect." Another good thing about it, the music was used in an Utena musicvideo I saw online. Good stuff!

Ya know, the more I see them around, the more I'm thinking of getting one of those tracker programs... Sounds like fun, I guess.

. . . . . posted:||6:43 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
New address or not, HOT or NOT is still an addictive place to spend time. Weird thing is, today my sis joined in the fun and we spent an hour going through pics and debating what score we should give. It's scary how well we get along most of the time...

Funny quirk about my geometry teacher, Mr. Jackson... he has an urge to change the seating layout of the classroom several times a month. Today, he returned the desks into a row pattern, as opposed to the table groups we had before. Regardless, the new seating did nothing to change my place by the very cold air vent... Brr!

I was talking with Lailani before heading over to Japanese today, and Joey was there. While we used "code names" to refer to Eric (that's when I told her that I'm over him) Joey said "Just tell us that you're over Eric!" This event was followed by a quasi-conversation of why we liked Eric (and all three of us did at some point) while he danced ballet dangerously close to the railing, she banged a rhythm on the railing rather loudly, and I sang excerpts from "Bring on the Men." Really, quite surreal.

Hmm... ne'er noticed that Dave had a thing for making winamp songlists and posting em. But... looks like his collection is bigger than mine! No far... why did Napster have to go offline?! ;_;

. . . . . posted:||5:58 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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... You know what. I think I just had an ephiphony... I don't like Eric anymore... But now that I don't, I feel lost, as if all my affection used up till now were for naught... well, they were, but without someone to focus my attention on, I feel a bit unstable.

And that's a problem with having a baby-face complextion... everyone thinks you act cute, yet when you try to change and be the passionate romantic you truly, they step back and look at you weird. It's almost as if you aren't allowed to change at all. I maybe already comfortable with my body now, but I don't think the rest of the world is ready for it. Le sigh....

Hm... that kinda reminds me of one of Paul's poems I read quite a while back. He should post it somewhere on his blog, the one of the person in the box. I loved that poem.

... now that I think about it, no openly gay person in my school is my type. They're either all too ditsy or too shallow for my tastes. I want someone who can reciprocate my passions and need for deep conversations. Looks like I'll only be that close in college, unless I get lucky like when I had Topher.... oh well.

So, the playlist for this auspicious day is:
-Janet Jackson's "Doesn't Really Matter"
-The Cure's "Why Can't I be You?"
-Utada Hikaru's "For You"
-Incubus' "Summer Romance"
-Tracy Chapman's "Devotion"
-Aerosmith's "Don't Wanna Miss a Thing"
-BBMak's "Back Here"
-Dido's "Here with Me"
-Spice Girls' "Holler"
-Soul Decision's "Oh It's Kinda Crazy" and "Faded"
-Garbage's "The World is Not Enough"
-Pushing Daisies' "Disagree"

Ah... it's been a while since I made a playlist for a specific day.

. . . . . posted:||8:55 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stupid Blogger didn't publish that last post when I wanted it to be posted a few hours back... Oh well.

The pics from Seri's b-day party finally got developed, and also the film I used on the day before finals.

Oh... Watching the Opera "Tristen and Ophenda" on PBS right now. The set design is exquisite, I'm quickly growing to love the music and storyline of the opera, and the costume designs are absolutely stunning. Just one quam about it... Why do the lead singers always have to be enormous. Take, for instance, Turandot. When a 300+ singer walks on stage and her opposite sings of her radiant beauty, are we suppose to believe him? And another thing, operas were hardly ever written to be acted out. You can only act so much without restricting the air passage to your throat. I only know of two composers who did have the writing talent to inject a fair amount of acting into their characters.

... Loud banging sounds are coming from the neighbor's home, and I think I hear yelling. I wonder what's going on...

. . . . . posted:||8:24 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Today... or rather last night, I was able to achieve minimal sleeping time by downing not one, not two, but twelve cups of hot, sweet java. The down side? Extreme caffeine withdrawl... and thanks to it, I've been quite irritable.

Hmm... I guess you can say that I'm turning to drugs for artistic inspiration. Lately, I've been only able to draw something new or different while under the cocoa-induced hazed one gets after the third cup. Sure, you can't really pair that up to the "inspirational" use of absynthe during the mid to late 1900's. Still, it's a bit unnerving that I can't naturally think of original ideas. And believe me, I've tried to make something different while off my caffiene, not good.

In Health class, we're studying stress and methods of reducing it. To see how our body temperature changes with our moods, I'm wearing a Biodot which changes colors when my body temperature changes slightly. As of now, I'm as relaxed as can be, but I was quite stressed earlier today while working on a test. Tests are always stressful, but I never thought they would be that stressful... eh.

Saw the Madonna video. As a major fan of all of her work, I'm obligated to like that particular video. Well, I don't... I absolutely love it! It's interesting to see how, in our society's youth-orientated music industry, Madonna can still look almost younger than Brittany Spears (with the help of her hubby/director anyway). Still, I don't see why the censures are so uptight about the "violence." First off, there is hardly any violence to the calibre which movies have taken them. With the absence of blood in the video, everything didn't seem quite so real. Then again, if blood was introduced into this video, it'd end up looking like Crash. This leaves one speculating whether this whole "one-time viewing" video is really a publicity stunt coordinated by Madonna for more recognition for her new album. Regardless, this video pushes the age-old story of girl rebellion to new lows, and I absolutely love it!

Sexually frustrated? If you are, join me and tim. When my style of drawing shifted from sensuality to down-right erotica about a year ago, Tony pointed out that it was just my sexual frustration seeping through. Well, now looking back at my old sketchbooks (and reading tim's post) I see what she ment. Funny thing is, I think I'm more aware of my frustrations now than I was back then, yet lately my artwork has returned to a more sophisticated sensual style. Eh, being a human contradiction can suck sometimes.

In ceramics, my puzzle mug finally got out of the kiln, and I proceeded to take several shots of it with my camera. Why was I carrying a camera? My sister needed it to take some photos for our up and coming Las Vegas in a Deck project in art. Naturally, she decided that we could just take those photos during the weekend, and then she proceeded to yell at me for using up half the film which she told me to waste in the first place... She's far too picky, if you ask me.

... Hmm... getting an idea for a sexual-frustration webring. On second thought, naw.

. . . . . posted:||3:35 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Eh, dad's bringing in the computer to fix the floppy drive (finally!) so I must be brief. First off, the dreaded projects I've put off till today only took an hour of my time to complete each. Hm, go fig. I'm still jealous of my sister though, her painting's so smooth and clean cut. Mine's full of jagged edges and the occasional crisp line. Oh well... I still be her out in creativity though. ^_^

I just spent about an hour and a half scanning pictures I drew and then cleaning them up with PSP7. Hmm... I guess I won't be keeping this layout for long afterall.

Currently listening to Alanis Morisette's Jagged Little Pill cd, specifically the "hidden" track at the very end of the cd. If you listen to that particular track while everything is quiet, the slight echoing is eerie. I can see myself doing that to my ex-boyfriend's stuff. Thing is, he now lives in Maryland so that's a bit hard to do. Le sigh... oh well.

It's a really nice day outside today. I feel like reading a book out in the sun.

. . . . . posted:||11:04 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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First off, I've been watching the science of beauty on TLC. Contrary to popular belief, I did NOT watch it to scope out the hot guys, I was actually interested in the psychology behind it all.... but yes, the guys were muy caliente. It's interesting that people in Venezuela spend a fifth of their income in cosmetics and grooming products... despite the high poverty rate of their people. As the guy with the uni-brow said: "We are a poor nation, but we are a beautiful nation." Right now, they're talking about how pictures are edited over and over via computers... I should try that with some of my pictures. Heck,I have the experience with computers to do so... Ack! Just saw a girl from japan who's the startling image of Willow. Scary...

Been looking around I Kiss Boys (yes, again) and I've realize something. As much as I hate it, I've found myself trapped in the stereotype of the gay male blogger. Minus one, I rant and bitch about cute guys. Minus two, I write poetry/short stories which I have a link to. Minus three, I draw/paint and post it on my page. Minus four, I have a page dedicated to quotes. Minus five, I've joined such presitigious cliques as BoyLogs and I Kiss Boys. Minus six, I'm linked to Boylog.com. But, plus one (and the only one I might add) is that I have more or less all the content expected of my "type" of weblogger. All I'm missing is a couple nude photos of myself, and I'll be the model ga blogger... What, you want the sarcasm to end? Sorry, but that has a snowball's chance in hell of happening.

Take, for instance, this blog:snowbound 7.3 Or maybe Psionics... I could name a hell of a lot more blogs. .. hey, I should devote a whole section of links to those types of blogs.

Erm, just realized I was being a complete ass up there. I apologize... but hey, in completely better news, looky what I found! :ninagordon.com:

. . . . . posted:||10:06 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Eh, being single sucks. Especially after you've already had someone, and then experience the loneliness afterwards... I need to lay off boy-chasing for a bit. Independence is something I need to work on.

(Btw, Paul, you are one lucky guy. ^_^)

. . . . . posted:||11:46 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mmm...Been looking through the other sites in I Kiss Boys, and I stumbled onto Dave's site. First off, love the image of the wing nailed into a... erm, steel plate. Looks like something I painted a while back... um, yeah. Second plus, that backgroud picture is just too damn sexy! Those two look so cute together... I wonder where he got that pic? Third plus, fan of Dave Mathews Band and Silverchair (Johnsy!). Fourth plus, he likes church. Now, that may sound weird and unusual, but I happen to like church sometimes too... mainly when I'm in the choir loft instead of in the congregation where people can't sing worth shit...

Speaking of church and singing, my friend can't make it to the MXPX concert today (after her psychotic mom found her reportcard) so now there's a free ticket up for grabs. I dunno... I don't really want to go, but a concert's a concert. On the other hand, I have a solo/duet to sing at 6pm mass today, and Patty would kill me if I missed it. I dunno... maybe I'm far to lazy to do either.

And in other news, Liz-from-Az's boyfriend gave me a critique of my poem "Sacchrine Valentine." According to him, it was awkward and felt... what was the word? Oh yeah... "gay." Personally, I take that as a complement. I always want myself to come through in my works, and if that's obvious from reading that one poem, I'm glad. On the other hand, why do people have to factor in gender preference into literature... or anything relating to life, for that matter? Yes, sensuality and sexuality are a big part of life in general, but does that necessarily include whether you're a fairy or not?

I really like this webpage layout... I think I'll keep it a little bit longer. But, on the other hand, I thrive on change. Maybe I'll keep it through March, and maybe into April too...

... Wait, six hands?... Damn, I must be Vinshu today. -_-;;

. . . . . posted:||10:26 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Well, been talking with Tony recently (now that I've caught her online). Damn, a lot has happened since last we talked. A month ago, she FINALLY found a girlfriend who shares her interests (i.e. anime, choco-covered coffee beans, turning anything into a turn on, etc.). She's also going to a wedding at the end of the month. I have to go to one (one of my many aunts I believe) and I have yet to find a suitable attire. Woe is me! ;_;

"'Twas a lover and his lass, with a hey and a ho and a 'who the f*ck's in bed with you?!' "

. . . . . posted:||10:47 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Yep, it's official. I'm part of "I Kiss Boys" now.

Just finished playing Mah Jong with the family downstairs. 'Course, I only won one game... but at least I was very close to winning three others! Still, there's nothing scarier than a filipino family playing Mah Jong... especially when you add a pitcher of iced tea with a quart of sugar in it. Let's just say that my ears will be suffering a little bit from all the unnecessarily loud yelling.

Another interesting thing to factor into the scenario described above. Philadelphia was playing on TCM, so we decided to watch it. I absolutely love that movie... although the directing was a little bit unusual at times, and the facial shots were sometimes unnerving, I still can't get over the final impact of the movie. Tom Hanks, as much as I detest his recent work (with the exclusion of Saving Private Ryan) has a lot of acting talent. That particular opera scene, where he's translating and describing the aria to Denzel Washington, is rivetting. Whenever I see it, I'm moved by the passion so ever present. And the director's use of close-up facial shots, although unnerving in all other scenes, was used so appropriately in this one. Beautiful.

My sister hadn't seen this movie before, so when she saw it then, she was bawling when the film reached it's final conclusion. And I was the one to tell her to watch it when she adamantly refused since it was a "Tom Hanks" movie. Oh well, I was right in the end, neh?

Currently watching Riverdance on Bravo. I happen to like Riverdance a lot, but it's like the nutcracker... It's cool the first time viewed, but then it gets boring. Any coherent plot is lost in the near repetative dance steps and music... I don't know, maybe if I were able to dance like they do and hold an appreciation for it, it would entertain me more. The other rip-offs of Riverdance, I could do without.

.... Happy St. Pat's day, everyone!

. . . . . posted:||9:36 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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welll.... okay, I have about 10 posts or so that I need to delete now....

. . . . . posted:||11:21 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ugh... never mind, it's still being a bitch

. . . . . posted:||11:14 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
okay, I think I got it more or less normal now...

. . . . . posted:||10:28 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
oh yeah.... Just to let you know, Wendy didn't win Vice-Pres afterall... that and Mike's been calling me up and we've been talking about... stuff. Eh, don't know where this is going...

. . . . . posted:||8:59 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Eh, yeah.

Once again, the duck says a few words of insighful wisdom, yet this time it's about artistic critiques and criticism. 'Course, me being a self proclaimed "artist," my ears (erm, eyes more so) perked at the mention of the subject. I completely agree with his speculation. Some art shouldn't be judged with the imagery they present in their paintings In fact, some artists use that mentality to shock people and make their statement heard (specifically the one painting where Maria Magdalena draws attention away from christ to a bowl of fruit... caused a riot at the Vatican).

During the 1960's-70's, there was a near-death of painting due to a movement in the art community... which strangely eludes my recognition right now. Anyways, they believed that art was incompetent and sook to knock down the use of imagery in two-dimensional artwork. They claimed that the use of paints was far too primative in the advent of bronze-cast sculptures. The movement accumulated in the lead artist painting a white canvas white a hundred times, and then burning all his paintings in a great bon fire. Thing is, this rash movement wasn't backed by a strong enough thesis and thus, it's revolutionary strive was mearly transient.

Just learned that Jen (the junior, not my freshman friend) still has a crush on me. It's weird... and also dishearting since there's a snowball's chance in hell that I would go out with her. Even she said it while at the Halloween dance last year: "You know life sucks when the guy you have a crush on is gay." But really, I don't see what she sees in me. I'm nothing different. Just a semi-normal, semi-insane guy trying to get through life.

Had a meeting after school to discuss the image-logo I'm doing for the Nevada Association of Nurses poster during their celebration of outstanding nurses. This is an excellent opportunity for me to flex my graphic-arts skills. If I can get them to pick my design, I'll know that I'm a compotent enough graphic artist.

God, I feel like curling up in my bed and crying. The world has been a tad too harsh lately and I wish I could just pull the shade and hide myself from all the world. I'm frustrated with my art, my friendships, schoolwork, certain obligations, and with the boy I currently like. I wonder how Mike felt when he found out that it was I who left him the note folded like a crane... maybe I should ask him about it, I don't know....

... dammit, I need a backrub.

. . . . . posted:||4:12 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Eh, It's been a rather long day, ladies and gents. First off, I'm happy to say that after a month's work on the damn thing, I've finished sculpting my model of the Notre Dame! ... all that's left now is to bisque it, paint it, glaze it, and then firing it several more times... on second thought, I have a long ways to go.

Art was rather interesting this time around. We had a "walking" fieldtrip to one of the nearby downtown tourist attractions to take pictures for our up and coming project. We ventured into the extravagant Fremont Street, looking for tough love on the hard asphalt... But really, we were just there to take photos. In our new grand project, we are painting the photos we're taking of "old lasvegas" and are manufacturing it into playing cards. Before going about, each person chose a card randomly from the deck and had to take an interesting picture which would represent that particular card. I got the Jack of Clubs. So, we split up into our different groups, and I think I was a bit lucky. No more than 15 minutes into the trip and I had already selected either a neon-sign milkman or a guy with a baseball bat as my jack.

Course, it wasn't so easy for others to find their's as well. Mi amiga Sarah had trouble finding an 8, let alone an 8 of diamonds. But, halfway through our excursion, I noticed that the trashcans and ashtrays formed an 8 when they were placed side by side... weird. Still.... Sarah being Sarah, she also took a photo of one of the strippers in a nearby gentlemen's club who only had 8 fingers (yes, including thumbs too). I wonder what the teach will say when that photo gets developed.

The rest of the day was, more or less, uneventful... That is, until the final bell rang and everyone was getting out of the building. While walking over to the parking lot (where my dad's Odyssey fit snuggly into a nice, shady parking space) I notice Wendy stuffing something large into a trashcan. At first, I was a bit confused when I saw that it was the large banner we had been working on for the past week... So there was only one plausible conclusion: that the other candidate for vice-presidency, Shakera, had sabotoged it. I saw Wendy and how she securely taped the banner to the railing with duct tape, and when, in closer expection, I noticed that the tape had been too cleanly removed from the railing and the post to have been "knocked" down by the wind.

Now, normally, I am a civil man.... civil as an orange, yeah right. Well... at least I pride myself in proper etiquet when it comes to competitions. However... Shakera has seriously stretched my patience too thin. First, she never started this whole campaign with a simple nod or encouraging word to Wendy, and met her with a sneer. Later, when the posters for whichever office one was running for, Shakera and her "goonies" have been knocking down the competition, and once again a war brews between the performing arts and the visual/international arts. Wendy was even ridiculed for putting up a poster in the drama department's hallway. Honestly, I sincerely disagree with the sense of elite-ism I seem to be getting from these strutting, prancing blowhards. Because they (and the dance department) have the largest budgets of all the other majors in the school, they somehow have more importance than others. Really, why? This is a school for the arts, and it and it's students should be treated thus; no favoritism, no gender bias, nothing.

... It seems that I have presented myself as some... vigilante out to kill or a rebel stirring feelings of anarchy. I don't mean to... just that I've been frustrated these past couple days, and no one listens to me unless I scream and shout. Indeed, it is a foul's follie... but such is the way of politics.

... still, this is only a highschool race for the sophmore-class officers. Really, there shouldn't be this much involvement and treachery at this little of a stage.

. . . . . posted:||9:46 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Is it just me, or does Boylog's most current post reads like a song... or a nursery rhyme. I dunno, something with a beat to it...

Oh, I stopped by the library again to finish up my research (which is still not done) and I browsed through a back issue of Newsweek, which just happened to have an article about WeBlogs. They mentioned the blog of one Noah Grey, so I decided to check out his site. Unfortunetly, he's gone on hiatus for a bit, so all that's left on the site is a couple of semi-recent posts and a hell-load of imagery. Another site which is almost as egotistic as some others I can name.... but I won't. Still, love his photography.

. . . . . posted:||10:00 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Waaah... paign of jealousy right now. No matter what he says, Paul can still articulate and process his thoughts far better than myself, specifically in writing. Perhaps it's just a product of age and experience... either that or an increased vocabulary... but I wish I could write like that. Maybe that's why I can only write poetry... I have no stamina to write paragraphs about one specific topic without completely bullshitting half of it.

Watching Dark Angel as of now. It's strange, how people who aren't exposed to certain thoughts and ideas never consider the possibility of those ideas (like freedom to on who doesn't even consider themselves human). Perhaps, that's how one can control another indefinetly, from the moment of birth you feed them lies. But then, how do you suppress the desimenation of information into that population?.. reminds me of the book The Giver or The Fireman (F451). Eh, the only true way to control the human mind is through extreme lobotomy. ^_^

Ugh, I hate teenage angst. I hate the emotional tormoil of student relations and relationships. As much as I love sensuality and am a heart-sick fool, life was so much simpler when I was too young to care. But... I like this type of complication in my life... sometimes anyway.

.....waaaahhh!!!! Logan's sad, and has a 9mm in his hand! No!!! Don't do it, cutey!!!!....this moment brought to you by 9 sticks of Winterfresh gum being simultaneous chewed and it's combined sugar count. Enjoy!

. . . . . posted:||9:47 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Hey! Nick has the same blue shirt... which I never wear anymore due to a bad photo take of me while wearing it. I swear, I'm too effing tanned to wear light colors... Speaking of which, I got the pic I took at Wendy's today. Now I'm reconsidering whether I should post it or not....

. . . . . posted:||8:55 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Psionic seems to be in an interesting mood today. I just felt obligated to mention something about the "workplace politics" he's worked himself into. As much as most people say that they're against politics, they don't even know that they're already immersed in it by the time they reach middle school. I didn't have to suffer too much of that during my time at PMS, however. Seeing that I was the only guy in choir for 6th and 7th grade, I was on good terms with all the popular girls and there for had some "safety" from the usual teasing and harassment that goes on... eh, probably mispelled a couple of words there, but oh well.

Anyways, I just had to dwell on this a bit since we were talking about gossip, school politics, and the like in Health class... And another thing I'd like to say, why do people feel like sharing all their hardest life stories in class? Personally, I don't feel like disclosing such information in school unless I can shroud it a bit (i.e. in a cryptic poem or as a "work of fiction"). I say this because while talking about the hardest decisions we've had to make, this one girl said that her's was going to her mother's funeral... Promptly followed by her sobbing loudly and putting her head on her desk... really, if you know that that type of reaction will come from what you say, why say it? School is not the only outlet for thoughts.

La Duck mentioned an article about how the media seems colorblind to the obvious "whiteness" of the recent school shooters. While I don't think it's completely right to say that the potential school shooters are going to be white (most school shootings are performed on rather small scales) I guess this is one of the only ways to get people to listen. Most people accept your views with a casual glance, a polite nod, and then bash it in the head with their "views." So, you basically have to yell in their face, tack a sign to their ass, and bitch slap them to make an impact.

... And while we're on the subject, why is it that when guys are sexist they get crucified for it, and when girls are sexist they get praised for standing up to "the male chovanistis." It's quite sickening, since the psychology teacher at my school is completely biased towards females... And she's a psychology teacher too. But then, where do us gay guys stand in this whole debate? Guys bad mouthing other guys is "normal" but gay guys bad mouthing girls?.. I'm happy being in the middle ground. ^_^

But, like my friend said: "I'm gay, that doesn't mean I'm not a guy." In otherwords, we're still basically hormone-pumped, just our attentions have been channelled into something other than woman... And anything non-human is just evil.

Heh, keeping my friend Wendy on a leash about who I like ( ERIC! ) is such fun sport. I did that to Jim too. I don't know why, but I like to play mind games with people. I'd look at someone, laugh, and then turn around for no good reason. Then, they're hounded by the fact that I laughed at them and they want to know what's wrong with themselves. Self-conciousness is a fun thing it f*ck with.

This afternoon I found my copy... well, recorded version.... of the movie The Incredible Story of Two Girls in Love which is one of my all time favorite movies. I love how everything was treated like a regular "growing-up" story about two people in love. Difference: it's between two girls, the black person is rich and Harvard-bound and loves opera and poetry, the white girl is poor, lives in a "House of Dykes," and is failing in school... In fact, the only "normal" thing I found throughout the movie was that the white one's friend is so gay he's almost made a 360 back to straight... I have yet to see The Velvet Goldmine which has come highly recommended by my kindred spirit Lizzy.

.... Well, at least the notes have been pushed back till thursday, but I still need to find magazines concerning my topic... this sucks.

. . . . . posted:||8:51 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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The unthinkable has happened. I've been logged onto hotornot.com and, lo and behold, I have come across the same 3 pictures not once, not twice, but thrice I have viewed their faces... weird.

. . . . . posted:||9:49 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Been reading Psionic's chewed pages. Rather insightful reading material. I especially like the one about the whole Columbine shootings and the feelings behind it.

Hmm... I should try writing essays about certain subjects, but I would be too much of a lazy ass to actually put them up... that and halfway through, I'd just be bullshitting.

Today, after church (which I slept halfway through) and a quick chicken sandwich over at Jack-in-the-Box, my parents dropped my sis and I off at the library to do some well-needed research. After situating ourselves at a table, I went out to see which books I would need... only to find that all the computer-catalogs were being used and a rather long line preceded behind them. The situation wasn't lightened at all by my sis' constant self-second guessing and the would-be-quiet-atmosphere-save-the-several-dozen-people-there-to-do-their-science-fair-research. But, two good things happened. One, Jen was there too so we hung out a bit, and two we stalked a cute guy there for about two hours... Then again, very few things can compensate staying at the library for almost 5 hours. And I haven't done all the research required of me yet to boot.

Well well well, KMutilation just IM'd me and called me a fag. Funny thing is, I found it quite funny and almost pathetic... and now we're having a more or less civil conversation... Okay, never mind, that was weird. Completely weird.

... Dammit, my fingers feel frost bit.

. . . . . posted:||8:21 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Again, let me reitterate.... parents' nit-picking are annoying. Stupid mom, she knows I'm in a bad mood too.... and I have to go to church too. >.<...... this sucks

. . . . . posted:||10:19 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Just picked up the paper this sunday mornin' and in the Arts&Times section I came across a story about my school concerning the gallery show recently opened this past friday.

The show was a memorial to a student who recently past away. It contained paintings of both him, fellow students and friends, and several poems. I wanted so much to go see the show, but my piano lessons prevented me from doing so (which didn't go well at all in the first place).

Even though I wasn't there, I was still struck by the thought and emotion that went into this gallery show which hadn't been present in all the other shows I have attended. This guy seriously touched a lot of people's lives and they've shown their appreciation in this event, which was almost completely student-planned. Even the gallery was renamed for him. I seriously doubt that the other majors at my school wouldn't do such a thing if one of their own died. From what I got from all my friends in their different majors, they've all been very competative. Not that art isn't competative either, but there's more of a sense of family in that particular atmosphere. I love it dearly.

But, now to revert to the utter bastard that I am. As much sympathy as I feel for his mother... the way that he died was almost... stupid. While working up in Alaska fishing for the summer, he decided to just sleep on the beach (which, in itself is idiotic because you can catch a cold) and when the tide swelled he was carried off into the ocean. Sad, yes. Pathetic, yes. Stupid, yes. I'm an asshole? I couldn't agree more.

... Katie just emailed me a 202k midi file (23 minutes long!) which is more or less a remix of songs form FF6, FF7, and FF8. Pretty good, but it needs to be orchestrated for better effect.

. . . . . posted:||10:10 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Damn, I posted a lot today... I should make a layout which makes reading those posts easy to do... maybe frames instead of tables?... or how about only a 3 day current post thingy?... decisions decisions....

. . . . . posted:||10:02 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ugh, parent's can be so annoy at times. Especially parents who insist on nit-picking all your grammar mistakes when talking online... In fact, they shouldn't even be doing such, invasion of privacy and all. But, enough of troubled times.

I stayed after school.... Just kidding. But, I did go to Wendy's house to work on her posters for her student council campaign. What an interesting experience.

First off, Katrina was there (W's friend from VoTech and fellow reveller during the AdventureDome excursion) and I barely even recognized her last time I saw her. W's mom's boyfriend was fixing the toilet in the bathroom and was constantly walking across the garage (where we were working) before finally bringing the old toilet out. With that task done, he returned to installing the new "applainance" in question.

No sooner than we started to actually work on the posters, that W's cousins and family barged into the garage after the old toilet didn't allow for the full closure of the garage door. They just came into the the place, and after chitchatting a bit, the parents went inside the actual house while the lil kids (5 total) were left to pester us. Ugh. After the leaders of the bunch finished discussing which movie to go see, they finally took off, SUV stuffed full of people.

Half an hour later, we pulled out our 8th grade year books and made fun of all the people who're in there and are now attending LVA with us. This led to a "quick" trip to Wendy's room, where I read from her "William Love Diary" exuberantly with a mock "romance novel" tone of voice. The room was roaring with laughter.

After working again on the posters for another half hour, Wendy wanted my help in re-designing her flyers to now incorporate the Wendy's logo onto it. This, however, led to far more distractions... mainly playing around with her webcam. I'll post the pics we took when W actually gets around to emailing em to me.

Another half hour passes by, and we return to the garage to put the finishing touches. After a "brilliant" idea from mi hermana, we got Katrina to paint her feet prussian blue and make footsteps on our sign. To this day you can still see the blue footprints all around the garage floor...

Finally, as we were relocating to the living room, my dad came to pick us up and after a few words goodbye he drove us back home... Of course, during the drive we discussed such issues as the enjoyable movie "Monkeybones" and the explicit relationship formerly bonded by Sigfreud and Roy as we passed by their house... But that's just my regular, "normal" family.

I've decided to do the bit about mold prevention using alcohol for science fair... all I need to do now is figure out exactly what topics I need to research on... That and work on my painting, finish the contest entry due this wednesday, finish the notes and worksheet for biology, practice for my solo in the teen church choir next sunday... AND updating this blog... damn, I have a pretty full scheduel.

Well... I started listening to them only because Eric liked em too, but The Corrs are a really good group with nice songs... I still like Nina Gordon better though.

It's been a while since I've logged onto AMIHOTORNOT.COM. So, I did recently and right off the bat I saw a picture of a guy who could possibly be the "fallen angel" I've searched for this past year... I dunno, something seemed wrong about it, though.

I have to high-tail it to the library tomorrow to check out the necessary materials and grab a copy of Exquisite Corpse to do my book talks on for English...

Goddamn, miscellany is fun!

. . . . . posted:||9:57 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hmm.... Just stumbled onto Neil Gaiman's blog. For those of you who don't know of him, he is the author and writer of many a work of fiction, and is most famous for his "adult" comic book series The Sandman. I'm a rather big fan of his work, and in this blog he's currently getting the manuscript for his new book American Gods edited and such... seeing this, I don't think I wanna be a writer if only to spare me this tedious process...

.... Conversations with Alyx are going no-where.... but randomness is a good thing.

. . . . . posted:||10:23 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Damn, Seri-chan. It's about time you updated that page. (- .-) ....

A delivery of 24 or so frozen King Crabs just came to the door via FedEx from my aunt all the way in Alaska. Muchos gracias, senora. I wanna be kinda like my aunt when I get older. Mainly, being able to travel around the world, doing weird but interesting jobs and such and such. She's experienced so much, and she's the only person not in my immediate family whom I can have a serious talk about art and literature and such... Completely cool person.

Jude recently suggested that if I like "that Eric guy" so much then I should make a whole page dedicated to him. But, that's too stalker-esque, right? I mean, I don't have permission to post his pic and I don't have many good pics of him anyways.... erm, yeah.

... You know, it's been forever-and-a-day since I IM's Tony, and I wonder what's up with her all the way in Maryland. Maybe she actually got out and got a job? Who knows...

I find that I'm losing contact with a lot of my friends lately due to my irregular sleeping scheduel and stupid school stuff to do. Stupid highschool... Leah was right, things are changing a lot.

. . . . . posted:||9:54 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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AiGiLdALyn's Home Page. Seri-chan's new girlfriend. :)..... just kidding. Although they would look cute together.....

.... I've been posting lil comments again and again lately... this is weird.

. . . . . posted:||9:42 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Well, Andy put up a search results section on his blog... scary how talking about miscellany can draw such attention from others....

... Damn, maybe I can write....stupid low-self esteem and humble-ism....

. . . . . posted:||9:26 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Got a 54% on theGay-o-Meter. Seeing how I do "act straight," I guess that's not much of a surprise. As the result page of my test says: "I'm a well adjusted homo."

... Question, how the hell did Steven Segal get to be a "big" actor? Or better yet... how did Sarah Jessica Parker ever live down her stint on Hocus Pocus?

. . . . . posted:||9:17 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Eh, interesting points to make...

Mary was telling me how her 24yr old boyfriend (yeah, pedophile, I know) wanted to have anal sex with her. Naturally, Mary said no. So, he says "Then get one of the people from your school to."
Mary: "So, will you have anal sex with my boyfriend?"
Me: "Hmmm... only if I get to wear the condom."

Also, the most popular gay freshman at my school hasn't been to class for the past week... and I recently found out why. Aparently, he was caught having sex on the bathroom sink with a guy from a different highschool. The guy who walked in on them walked out and told a girl. The girl in turn told the dean, and now Theo (the boy in question) is suspended for... I don't know how long. The worst part is, that's how his parents found out he's gay... Ouch.

Remember the post about change a lil while back? Well, I've got another rant about that... first off, everyone's changing their blog layouts! I'd be okay with it... if they were actually functional. But Boylog's new layout is just a jumble of words and neon color! Too confusing! @_@ Nick's new layout for HNCM is ALL the way to the side and the white on black letters are distracting. Similar to the non-centralized design of HNCM is Audience's, Bullet Proof's, and Caffiene's recently new layouts. Andy's blog isn't too bad... just that it's a jumble of words that aren't too aesthetically pleasing... but I do like the attitude conveyed.

Still need to pick a topic for Science Fair... and seeing how it's a 3 year project I need to choose the right one... so, the choices are:

1. What are the adverse affects of liquid pollutants on the health and germination od grass.

2. Which alcohol will keep bread fresh for the longest period of time.

Oh, decisions decisions...

. . . . . posted:||9:09 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Homosexuality in the Japanese Buddhist Tradition... Another one. . ^_~

. . . . . posted:||8:46 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
LOST TRIBES - Japan.. Amazing. It seems that Japan has been influenced by Israeli traditions and religion from ancient times. In this well written (if not a bit one sided) essay, Arimasa Kubo points out the similarities from a ceremony re-enacting Abraham's near-sacrifice of his son, to the tengu's "tora no maki" which translates to "scroll of the tora", to the near-similar crests of the royal family and the gate of Herod. Absolutely intriguing...

. . . . . posted:||8:00 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Heh, I should also add thatKyle's Bed & Breakfast is on hell of a good online comic... well, I like it but you have to have some background on it before you get hooked. I absolutely love the storylines, but the page isn't updateded enough. Mr. Greg! I know it takes forever to update a page, but could you please do it faster? Onegai?

. . . . . posted:||7:15 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Heh, I should also add thatKyle's Bed & Breakfast is on hell of a good online comic... well, I like it but you have to have some background on it before you get hooked. I absolutely love the storylines, but the page isn't updateded enough. Mr. Greg! I know it takes forever to update a page, but could you please do it faster? Onegai?

. . . . . posted:||7:14 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(warning: saturated with gay-topics. you have been WARNED)

... You know, I should make a key for groups of letters I say to summarize my day. Like.... SAS for stayed after school or COtF for came out to friend.... naw, that would alienate the few new readers I get. I'd install a guestbook into this lil blog, but I'm not THAT much of a bastard.

Anyway, Jill told me a rather amusing story today. She mentioned my name to Joey ( the second most known-about gay freshman) who inturn says "Oh, that guy can't hide his gay-ness that well." At about this point of the story, I was laughing hysterically. Most people, when I come out to them, say that I acted straight so that they couldn't tell the difference. I guess I'm not the only one with an active working gaydar on campus. -_-

Later, while I was staying after school to help Wendiferous on her student council posters, I came out to her. Again, the chorus of "oh, I thought you were straight." yadda yadda yadda. But then she started hounding me with all these questions; mainly "who do you like?" "how long have you known?" etc. So, we got onto the topic of my innate gaydar abilities. Thanks to my rather big mouth, I'm now stuck on an "outing" date so she can tell who's gay, mainly her former infatuation. What have I gotten into...

All during the ride home, she still hounded me for who I liked and I was adamant at not giving her that satisfaction. Somehow, my sis got to the topic of one of our acquaintances in middle school coming out. Not only that, but he had the nerve to call up Eric, and then blatanly hit on him on the phone! urgh... but then again, that just shows how cute E really is.

And just recently, Bill from AZ asked me exactly how many people knew about me. It took a few minutes (and several forgotten names) before I counted 18 people. What surprises me most is that (almost) all of them have been pretty tight lip about it. I'm glad I have friends I can trust... the others on the other hand....

... I swear this post is chock full of sappiness and sugary sweets. Oh well, long posts are hard to type up and I lack the energy to do one. Especially after that rather disturbing chapter of The House on Mango Street I read in english...

Speaking of which, I need to do my homework now -_-

. . . . . posted:||6:57 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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I think I'll join i kiss boys for two reasons: 1) I feel like getting a little more exposure and 2) the guys at the top are hot -_-

. . . . . posted:||4:38 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hmm... The Ho does have a point....

. . . . . posted:||5:28 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Yeah, I know I'm on early. In all actuality, I should be getting ready for school right now. But, I had a few minutes to kill so why not go online?

Stayed after school to help Wendy on her student counsel campaign yesterday. We didn't accomplish much; just worked on the outline of one poster to be painted at home. I'm such a lazy ass, though, since I still have to work on all the other small posters she wants me to... ech.

I really detest sleeping in on afternoons after I get home from school. Yesterday however... I was too tired out from lack of nutrition and more or less passed out as soon as I walked through the front door... well, more like after I climbed the stairs, took my key out of my pocket, unlocked the door to my bedroom, pulled back the sheets, and THEN collapsed onto it. Oh well...

And I hate change. Sure, I know that there's really nothing you can do against it, nor are all changes bad (the appearance of Will and Grace being one). Still... First, the small "cult" formed in my circle of friends has changed a lot of my friends. They've become more distant, and almost more paranoid. Neither are they happy anymore during lunch unless pumped up with a pound of sugar. Some of my friends who aren't even in the club are becoming distant as well. Seri and Leah never eat lunch with us and always go off by themselves to stand around the Japanese room. I get the feeling that they're distancing themselves from the rest of us as well... but I really don't want that to happen. JenJen from art is talking less and less to anyone in class anymore, and I'm hurt when I see her talking more openly to the people around her in 7th period...

But the worst change of all, is Eric. Now that I've begun to hang more and more around him, I'm realising that he's not completely the guy I liked at first. He's become more arrogant, more apathetic, and (again) more distant. All he does now is hang out with his dance and theatre friends and pays no attention to us other majors. And he never lets his "intelligent" side show... It's eating me out inside. I've invested so much time and affection for him that, if I don't like him anymore, it will leave a small hole in me. Yes, he's burrowed that deep and he doesn't even know it. I don't know if it's worth pursuing... but regardless I still like the guy. I'm quite mad at myself right now...

... and godammit, I just realized I missed Buffy! ;_;

. . . . . posted:||5:25 AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Eh, I felt completely drained of energy today (and am still suffering from it). Fatigue sucks, especially when it's caused for no better reason.

First off, I'm pissed at that kid who started shooting people in Cali. Not so much that he killed two and severally wounded others (although I do care for those unfortunate people), but that fact that now I have to hide my sketchbook from my teachers like I did after Columbine. And I wanted to ink the red onto my recently gorey drawings... damn!

Why are people just realizing the reasons for school shootings? I think it's blatantly obvious, but the almost 1950's sense of oblivion about the reasons why really pisses me off (yeah, this too). Really, that's why people are so quick to blame everything else besides the actual problem. Perhaps violent games/music/etc. serve as catalysts or inspiration for the method of killing, but you have to hit the problem at the root. Basically, harassment from others. I'm lucky enough to have not experienced that in my highschool now... but in elementary school, that was very different. That's all I'm say about that subject.

Hm.... isn't it ironic that just when this happens, this saying is becoming popular with some of my friends: "Dont make me go Columbine on your ass."

Lunch detention wasn't so bad. Actually, considering how bipolar my friends at lunch can be, the quiet and peacefulness was actually soothing. Funny thing is, in the detention room this guy brought in his laptop and was typing away with it. So, I look over to his screen and, to my surprise, he's blogging. Course, I didn't as for his blog's address (a stranger, out of the blue, asking for where his online journal is? yeah, I'd be scared too.).

I don't see why people actually believe in those horoscope thingies in the newspaper/online/etc. Personally, I do my own horoscope and often times they're so much different than those I read elsewhere... either I'm right, or I'm doing it severly wrong.

... two hours after I open this window. I've just been surfing the Buffy Guide to fill in the details of the first two seasons of Buffy which I've missed. Along with that, I've finally found someone else in my school who loves to watch Buffy too, along with Dark Angel. Funny thing is, I heard that slight click in the back of my head... and you know what that means. But, he's only marginally cute compared to Eric. 'Sides, he's not as smart as Eric either. :p

Ech... I hate this Blogger s/n now. I think I'll change it to Shyaku...

. . . . . posted:||8:34 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Ugh, I can't stand blogs with the text all the way on one side or other of the page with size 8- font that you need a magnifying lense to read! It's so frustrating! @_@... but at least my monitor's not on it's max resolution (only 600x800) or else it'll look like mere dots @_@... I should make a version of my page for all those people with higher res, huh?

... if you think this is a lil fore-shadow of things (or pages) to come... yer right!

. . . . . posted:||1:05 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Eh, it's another one of those Sundays, where I not only have to sing (which I really don't mind) but I have to attend a boring seminar. And the reason why I stay with this confirmation program? So I don't "shame" my family and give my grandma a heartattack in the process of rejecting the Catholic faith. Obligations suck, but I don't want to break apart my family over my own discrepencies. Maybe that's why I'm so reluctant to come out to them. Eh, who knows?

In other news, Lauren and I talked over the phone, and she explained to me Freud's only successful theory of Thanatos and Eros. Thanatos is the aggressive side of a male's persona which arises for whatever reason; usually caused by the other side. The lust/love (most lust though) of a man's persona is known as Eros. 'Course, this only applies to men since Freud had no strong grip on the female mind... but then again, what do I know? So, we started joking about all the different encounters with T and E we've had. She told me a story where her now ex-boyfriend was flirting with a girl only because she was flirting with another guy. Thus, T and E have combined. Also, Jim from my ceramics class, although usually a cool, if not annoying guy, becomes rather aggressive at times. In fact, he started a yelling match with Lauren because she replaced his chair with her own. I was in a similar instance when he threatened to break my $500 camera when I threatened to take a picture of him... But I don't really blame him for that one, since I can be quite the insect with a camera in my hand... still, it was only a chair -_-

Eh... I need to practice my songs...

(P.S. another thousand thanks to the duck for all his kind words.)

. . . . . posted:||12:24 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Okay, the walls of innocence I normally put up have been knocked down by the cannon of reality. There are several issues I seriously need to think about which I have been avoiding in order to lead a nice, happy life. But... even as I try to think of them now, with the computer stereo blaring out "Iris" and the aircon blowing cold wind down my shirt, I'm so confused with those issues that I don't know where to start, where do I start evaluating where I stand on things and how it's best I deal with them. I hate feeling this confused, upset, angry, etc.

Really, why do people revel in depression? Depression isn't something to be rejoiced like a mentally retarded child. Unlike birth disorders, however, depression passes. But why is that emotion so glorified in people's minds? I've tried being the reclusive, dark intellectual who ponders the greater truths of this world, but that led to doors being ripped off their hinges. And I don't want to see what's in them just yet. Then, when I started school at LVA, I started to see the advantages of actually being happy and not lying to myself. But, I've recently realized that LVA is only quasi-reality. There, I'm free to think, act, and be who I am with little discrepency as to what I believe in. However, when I go to a "regular" college, I'll be thrust back into the population's hot pot. I'll have to deal with those I've been avoiding all my life (i.e. athletes, ditzi girls, and general jackasses). Honestly, I don't know what I'll do then. Now that I've had room to stretch my wings a bit, I don't feel like avoiding that particular bunch. But on the other hand, I lack the courage to be out and about about who I am. The whole experience daunts me.

...It's too damn cold in this house...

. . . . . posted:||10:10 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Well, Saturday turned out far better than expected.

First off, I attended the Language Fair at Chaparel High. Contrary to most school fairs (specifically the one I tried to sell artwork in) this one was rather well done. All the "individual/group" projects were layed out in the library, and I panicked for a bit when I couldn't see my wallscroll, but then I looked at the non-competing pieces and there it was... Damn! I wanted it to be in the competition, but oh well....

I ran into a lot of people from my school at the fair...in fact, a rather large amount. At least a majority of my friends were there, and we hung out and talked and etc. The food was rather good too. I had a bowl of Jambalaya with bread (to help the extreme spiciness) along with some good sushi made with warm rice (!) and 5 glasses of Pina Colada... virgin, of course. I tried some of the food at the Korean stand, and although it had a 12+syllable name, it was basically fried wonton/pot stickers. The Japanese snacks stand across from it didn't have anything special... except the rather cute Japanese dude working it. I did not need to see the faculty in leiderhosein(sp) dancing like something out of Sound of Music... no, not the waltz.

Now to the meat of the event. Primarily, I went there to see my sis and her group perform their song (which won them first place, by the way, won them first place). But, I ventured around with my friend Jackie, and we saw the stand where Eric was working. This particular stand involved throwing a pie in someone's face when they get a question wrong... But it was basically 3 tickets to walk up and pie someone. So, I did it when Nikki was up there... and slipped on the whip-cream-slick floor. Sure, I still got Nikki, but.... I made an ass of myself infront of him! ;_; Later, it was his turn to get up and be pied... and I was too chicken to do it since I already made an ass of myself... sniff...

... You know, I actually sound normal. That's scary... but I guess it's a good thing. At least I'm not depressed right now....

In other news, I'm thinking of subscribing to XY... either that, or Joei or The Advocate... probably The Advocate.

. . . . . posted:||9:05 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Laura Fabian's "I Will Love Again." Upon discussing my love of that song, my sis commented 'that is such a gay guy's song.' I was about to retort something rather sharp... but then I realized the validity of her statement. That and it would make a rather good torch song, if not a bit too fast.

In other news... group punishments and schemes to catch regular offenders:they never work! Today, out of no fault of my own (coughsistercough) I was tardy for school. Unfortunetly, I happened to be late on a tardy sweep day. So, thanks to the corrupt methods of my school's bitch-of-a-student-dean, a majority of my friends who are never late are joining me in lunch detention come monday morn. God, this sucks.

. . . . . posted:||9:38 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Well, here's crossing my fingers that now all the top images would work. At first, I was hunting all the webhosting sites, before it daunted on me that I still had space on one of my 4 AOL screennames. Thus, you should see the title pic again... either that or blogger didn't update the template again....

. . . . . posted:||9:30 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Ugh, why am I always talking about guys? I sound so much like a horn ball.... it's fine when it's only sensual, not blatant cruising. ech

. . . . . posted:||9:50 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Well, it's official. I'm a Jpop boyband fan... well, not so much a fan than I think they're hot. Especially Arashi and Da Pump. ^_^

This is a bit unusual for me, since I've only recently started to think of asians as hot. I had a rather interesting conversation with L about this, since she's on the other side of the scale (asian who only likes other asians). She expressed how she found it weird that I wasn't attracted to my own race. I then pointed out the confining rules which she judges a guy with. The intelligent part of the conversation more or less ends there with us yelling at each other. But, we were still friends after all was said and done.

That was quite some time ago, and when I picked up the bi-weekly school paper, there was an article about interracial dating and marriage. I can't possibly imagine how things would have been different had I lived a few decades earlier. Not only would I have to face near intolerance for my sexuality, but also the partner I chose to live life with (or for a week, in some cases). But, I did some self-analyzation, and I'm beginning to understand why I prefer white guys above all the other different kinds. When I was growing up in the Arizona suburbia, I wasn't surrounded by many asians, and the only other filipinos around were two sibs whose parents had befriended mine. In fact, the neighborhood was predominantly caucasian.

When I moved over to Las Vegas, I found my usual pick of guys to being almost a minority as compared to the blacks, hispanics, and (of course) asians. Infact, the whole attitude of the place was foreign to me and it took a good part of that year (and several shows of Rocky) for me to break out of that little mold I was enclosed in. Still... I've been fantasizing about white guys for so long that they're familiar "territory" while all the others were something I hadn't considered for the first 14 years of my life... And I wouldn't be able to handle excessively meddling parents/sibs/relatives if my mate was asian (or filipino for that matter). So, I'm content to licking... erm, liking my men pale...or slightly bronzed.

And in other news, it seems that everytime I come here I always get a wave of ugly guys before seeing any remotely cute ones.... hrm.

. . . . . posted:||9:48 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mi hermana Sarah finally has a webpage. Eh, yeah yeah, it's pathetic and annoying to no extent, but it's her first one... and she doesn't have much computer experience... well, searching for Freddie P. Jr. pics doesn't count.

. . . . . posted:||8:27 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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